Gynecological Department No. 1


Gladysheva Tatyana Nikitichna.

Head of the department obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest qualification category

Tel.  +375 (17) 378-40-16

Gladysheva Tatyana Nikitichna.

Head of the department obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest qualification category

Tel.  +375 (17) 378-40-16

About the department

  • gynecological department No. 1 with 60 beds (since 2016, 55 inpatient beds and 5 short-stay beds)

The main concept of the activities of the gynecological department 1 is the provision of accessible, highly qualified, high-quality gynecological care. All patients admitted for inpatient treatment undergo a clinical examination, and the need for hospitalization is determined; consult with specialists depending on the concomitant extragenital pathology; the possibility of prolongation and pregnancy management tactics are determined; dates for planned hospitalizations are assigned; surgical treatment. Emergency qualified care is provided to gynecological patients and pregnant women around the clock.

All doctors are proficient in modern methods of examining and treating gynecological patients and provide qualified assistance to pregnant women. Have the skills to use modern medical equipment. Proficient in laparoscopic surgery techniques in gynecology.

Carry out initial reception and management of gynecological patients at all stages of their hospital stay. They are proficient in methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs, benign hyperplastic processes of the endometrium, uterine fibroids, tumors of the genital organs, dysfunctional uterine bleeding at various age periods of a woman’s life, methods of rehabilitation of women with non-developing pregnancies and after artificial and spontaneous abortions. They know the algorithm for examining women with infertility, methods for restoring reproductive function and pre-conception preparation. Participate in rounds and consultations of department staff to determine tactics for managing seriously ill patients. They are proficient in the technique of operations on the uterus, uterine appendages, plastic surgeries on the female genital organs, laparoscopic operations, as well as minor gynecological operations.

They perform therapeutic, diagnostic and surgical interventions: extirpation and supravaginal amputation of the uterus with and without appendages (LS and LT), Manchester operation, reconstructive surgical operations on the pelvic organs in case of prolapse, complicated by urethral incontinence, using alloprosthetics, plastic surgery of the anterior vaginal wall , posterior colpoperineolevatoplasty, cervical surgery, removal of Bartholin gland cyst, organ-preserving surgery on the reproductive organs:conservative myomectomy, metroplasty, incl. laparoscopic access: tubotomy, suturing of the fallopian tube, uterine body, operations on the uterine appendages (tubectomy, adnexectomy, cystectomy, ovarian resection, sterilization), curettage of the uterine cavity, hysteroscopy, hysteroresectoscopy, polypectomy, biopsy of the cervix and vulva, culdocentesis, colposcopy , vaginoscopy, cesarean section using various modifications of the suture on the uterus, amniocentesis followed by intra-amnial administration of solutions; determine indications and perform blood and blood substitute transfusions.

Improve existing knowledge and experience by attending lectures by professors and associate professors of the department, reading specialized literature, and using medical resources on the Internet. Participate in scientific and practical conferences.

All diagnostic and therapeutic surgical interventions, including plastic surgeries on the pelvic organs: plastic surgery of the anterior vaginal wall, posterior colpoperineolevatoplasty, cervical surgeries, organ-preserving surgeries (conservative myomectomy, metroplasty) are also carried out on a paid basis.

Doctors of the department

Titova Natalya Dmitrievna - obstetrician-gynecologist (highest qualification category).