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- Maternity ward
Maternity ward
Reception hours for citizens: Tuesday, Thursday 13.00 – 15.00.
About the department
The department is located on the 2nd floor of the obstetrics and gynecology building.
Obstetrician-gynecologists work on a rotation system. In the evening and at night, on weekends and holidays, the responsible duty officers for the obstetric service are mainly heads of departments and doctors with extensive work experience, 1st or higher category. The department's doctors and midwives constantly improve their skills by taking advanced training courses.
The department has one- and two-bed prenatal wards for partner labor and provision of the “individual labor management” service, as well as four-bed prenatal wards. There are sufficient quantities of fitballs in the prenatal wards. If the obstetric situation is favorable, patients can remain in an upright position on the fitball until the period of pushing.
According to indications and the absence of contraindications, modern methods of regional analgesia (spinal and epidural analgesia, as well as combined spinal-epidural analgesia) are used during childbirth. Antispasmodic and analgesic drugs are widely used.
The department is equipped with a sufficient number of devices for recording fetal CTG and maternity chairs with the ability to change the angle of the backrest so that the woman can take a position that is comfortable for her while pushing. The department has monitors for hemodynamic monitoring for all women after childbirth.
If it is necessary to correct any abnormalities in labor, dosed administration of uterotonic drugs is used using special infusion pumps. At the same time, patients can move quite freely around the prenatal ward, into the shower and feel comfortable. Prescription of all medications during labor is carried out after oral notification of the woman in labor and receipt of her written informed consent in the medical documentation. When changing obstetric tactics in favor of operative delivery, the patient’s written consent is also taken.
During the pushing period, routine dissection of the perineum is not performed, but only according to strict indications: threat of perineal rupture, acute fetal hypoxia during pushing, meconium staining of the water, premature birth. When suturing a rupture of the soft tissue of the birth canal, preference is given to intravenous anesthesia. At the request of the postpartum woman, suturing is performed under local anesthesia with 2% lidocaine.
Modern expectant tactics are being introduced for premature rupture of membranes and insufficiently mature birth canals, as well as an “Algorithm for caring for a healthy newborn.” Skin-to-skin contact is used, the tactics of the newborn being together with the mother from the first minutes after birth, early attachment to the breast, delayed clamping of the umbilical cord until its pulsation stops. Healthy full-term babies remain with their mother for the first two hours of the early postpartum period. Postpartum women and newborn babies spend 2 hours in the observation room of the maternity ward. The initial examination of healthy newborns is carried out by a neonatologist on the mother’s stomach.
The work of the department is supervised by employees of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of BSMU
Doctors of the department
- Vasilyeva Lyudmila Borisovna senior midwife, 37 years of experience as a midwife, category - highest.
Paid services are provided at the branch level:
- Individual management of childbirth
- Individual management of labor with analgesia
- Partner birth