Department of Radiation Safety and Dosimetry

The Department of Radiation Safety and Dosimetry (hereinafter referred to as OLSiD) of the health care institution “1st City Clinical Hospital” operates on the basis of the order of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus dated July 22, 2020 No. 756, dated December 8, 2020 No. 1304.

According to the order, OLBiD carries out dosimetric measurements in the prescribed manner in healthcare organizations and other organizations that use radiation sources for medical purposes located in the city of Minsk and draws up and issues technical passports for the x-ray room, including x-ray diagnostics, x-ray therapy, x-ray computed tomography, osteometry rooms , cath lab unit.

Accreditation certificate: Registration number BY/112 1.0510 dated 07/09/2007

Scope of accreditation: Appendix No. 1 to the accreditation certificate No. BY/112 1.0510 dated 09/15/2023.

Validity period of the accreditation certificate: from 07/09/2007 to 07/09/2025.

Address: Nezavisimosti Ave., 64, 220013, Minsk

Phone: (017) 378-39-33

Head of OBD: radiologist Tatyana Ivanovna Rudman.

Rooms 409, 410, 411, 412 (4th floor of the main building).

Opening hours are from 8.30 to 15.30.

Applications for work are accepted:

  1. By email: (check the receipt of the application by calling the reception (017) 379-92-58)
  2. By fax (017) 353-45-55 .
  3. In the reception room of the chief physician (4th floor of the main building).
  4. In rooms 409, 410, 411, 412 (4th floor of the main building).

Telephone number of the department for extra-budgetary activities: (if you have any questions regarding the execution of the contract) (017) 379-91-94 .

To obtain a new technical passport, you must provide the following documents:

  • construction design of the X-ray room premises with calculation of the horizontally and vertically adjacent rooms (upon acceptance of the room);
  • certificates of inspection of hidden construction work on the installation of stationary radiation protection of the walls and ceilings of this office (upon acceptance of the office), including a certificate for the floor covering;
  • protocols for monitoring the operational parameters of the device;
  • test reports for personal and mobile radiation protection equipment;
  • certificates for checking the effectiveness of ventilation indicating the frequency of air exchange;
  • protocols of electrophysical measurements:
    • impedance "phase-zero loop"
    • the presence of a circuit between grounding conductors and grounded elements;
    • measuring the insulation resistance of power and lighting electrical wiring;
    • measuring the resistance of grounding devices;
  • certificates for fire-fighting equipment.

SAMPLE APPLICATION dosimetric measurements    (.docx)

SAMPLE APPLICATION for acceptance of a new account (.docx)

Requirements for an X-ray room upon acceptance into operation    (FOR REFERENCE) (.docx)