X-ray department


Antonovich Lyubov Leonidovna .

The head of the department is a radiologist of the highest qualification category.

10 years of experience.

Tel: +375 (17) 378-35-07

Antonovich Lyubov Leonidovna .

The head of the department is a radiologist of the highest qualification category.

10 years of experience.

Tel: +375 (17) 378-35-07

About the department

The department includes two x-ray rooms located in the main (therapeutic) and gynecological buildings, 4 mobile x-ray machines. The X-ray diagnostic room in the gynecological building is equipped with a digital X-ray diagnostic apparatus “Apollo”, with the ability to record studies on CD media. The rooms are equipped with all the necessary personal protective equipment for patients and staff from X-ray radiation.

X-ray and fluoroscopic examinations are carried out for patients of the clinic and outpatients on a paid basis. The department employs specialists of the 1st qualification category who are proficient in all modern techniques for performing x-ray examinations:

  • organs of the chest cavity;
  • abdominal organs (digestive organs);
  • osteoarticular system;
  • research in urology;
  • research in gynecology.

Doctors of the department

  1. Moroz Irina Eduardovna - radiologist of the highest qualification category with more than 20 years of experience
  2. Dodulad Tatyana Vasilievna - radiologist of the highest qualification category with more than 20 years of experience
  3. Zubovich Oksana Vyacheslavovna - radiologist of the first qualification category with more than 20 years of experience
