“School for pregnant and nursing mothers “Peace to the Incoming”


“School for pregnant and nursing mothers “Peace to the Incoming”

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Health care institution "17th City Children's Clinical Clinic" Invites future mothers, fathers and immediate relatives to the "School for pregnant and nursing mothers "Peace to the Incoming"

at the address: Minsk, st. Koltsova, 53/1 (conference room, office No. 115)

School for pregnant and nursing mothers

"Peace to him who enters"

(conference room office No. 115)

The School program includes the following classes:

  • 3rd Wednesday of the month 12:00

Topic: Principles of breastfeeding. How to breastfeed with pleasure. Rules for introducing complementary foods, nutrition of a child of the 1st year of life.

  • 3rd Friday of the month 12:00

Topic: Newborn care. Features of the newborn and its development. Prevention of pathological conditions in children 1 year of life. Preventive vaccinations. Prevention of injuries in children. A pregnant and nursing woman is surrounded by love and care.

Future mothers and fathers are invited to attend classes

and immediate family.and immediate family.and immediate family.

Telephone consultation hours

on breastfeeding issues:

2nd Tuesday of the month from 14.00 to 16.00

+375 (17) 266-45-89

Responsible: doctor-valeologist Palaznik Inessa Aleksandrovna