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- Alcoholism Prevention Day
Alcoholism Prevention Day
July 11
Alcoholism Prevention Day is traditionally held on July 7th. Issues of preventing alcoholism, as well as reducing its socio-economic consequences, are under the constant control of the Ministry of Health and other government bodies. Currently, the Republic of Belarus is implementing the subprogram “Preventing and overcoming drunkenness and alcoholism” of the State program “People’s Health and Demographic Security of the Republic of Belarus” for 2016-2020.

Deaths from accidental alcohol poisoning have generally declined in recent decades. In 2010, there were 2,462 such cases, and in 2016 there were significantly fewer - 1,461. Last year, 2017, 1,497 people died from accidental alcohol poisoning.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified three main problems associated with alcohol consumption.
- Problem for the drinker. This included the consequences of cases of one-time excessive consumption of alcohol - short-term functional disorders and loss of self-control, aggressiveness, accidents, hypothermia or overheating due to negligence, arrest for being drunk in public places, alcohol poisoning. In addition, this includes the consequences of long-term excessive alcohol consumption: increased risk of developing cirrhosis of the liver, some types of cancer and cardiovascular diseases, malnutrition, long-term functional disorders and loss of self-control, accidents, disability, development of alcoholism and alcoholic psychoses, early death and suicide.
- Problems for the family of a drinker include conflicts in the family, failure to fulfill paternal and maternal responsibilities, loss of respect, financial difficulties, intrauterine damage to the fetus, improper upbringing, youthful alcoholism and crime.
- Problems for society - violation of public order, traffic accidents, accidents, decreased productivity, absenteeism, economic damage associated with medical expenses, disability benefits, law enforcement.
Prevention of alcoholism is a very important and necessary task, because it is easier to prevent and prevent than to deal with the consequences. Prevention of alcohol dependence is divided into three types:
Primary - aimed primarily at individuals who do not have harmful health consequences associated with alcohol consumption, but are possible consumers in the future. The purpose of this prevention is to convey reliable information about alcohol, the mechanisms and effects of its action, the consequences that arise after its use and as a result of its abuse. This type of prevention is carried out in the form of a conversation, watching motivational videos, listening to a course of interviews with people who previously abused alcohol, etc.
Secondary - consists of meetings and conversations with people who are currently undergoing treatment for alcoholism, with members of their family, who should in every possible way support and help people with addiction, and they themselves need psychological help and support, since the fight against drunkenness in family is a complex and lengthy process.
Tertiary - visiting alcohol-dependent societies and groups of anonymous alcoholics. People who are trying to get rid of alcoholism need to constantly talk about their problems and experiences, but very often they find it difficult to find someone who can listen to them and not judge them, who will help them cope with the problem and share their experience. For this purpose, Alcoholics Anonymous societies are created, where people talk with each other and share their experiences. Such groups usually employ a professional psychologist who can provide the necessary psychological assistance.
Particular attention is paid to the prevention of alcoholism among minors. Preventive measures for minors should be carried out taking into account age characteristics.
Not only the situation in the family, but also the environment, relationships between peers, and the desire for popularity can push children to drink alcohol. Many teenagers mistakenly believe that drinking alcohol will help them become more popular and relaxed, make many friends among the opposite sex, and help improve their personal life. If you just talk to children and show them videos about the dangers of alcohol and the effect on a young body, then in this case the benefit from this will be minimal. Teenagers rarely think about their own health and the health of their future children. Prevention of drunkenness and alcoholism among adolescents should be comprehensive. Not only medical workers, but also teachers, employees of internal affairs bodies, employees of cultural and sports organizations and others should be involved in this work. It is very important to involve children in all sorts of activities and activities: decorating school corners and stands, working in groups on projects on any subject, but so that it is carried out on the territory of the educational institution, and not at home, when parents are at work, and children have the opportunity to purchase alcohol in the store. Schools and other educational institutions need to hold as many sports and entertainment events as possible, for which attendance will be mandatory. Sports and an active lifestyle are measures to prevent alcoholism and promote a healthy lifestyle. If every child is required to attend a sports section at an educational institution, then there will be no time left for drinking alcohol. In 6,094 cases, teenagers start drinking alcohol under the influence of drinking parents or other family members, and in 40% of cases, children turn to alcohol because they have nothing to do, they are tired of sitting at the computer and listening to music. Alcohol helps them start communicating with each other.
Basic facts according to WHO
Globally, 3.3 million deaths occur each year as a result of harmful use of alcohol, accounting for 5.9% of all deaths.
Harmful use of alcohol is a causative factor in more than 200 health conditions associated with disease and injury.
Alcohol consumption causes death and disability relatively earlier in life. Among people aged 20-39 years, approximately 2,594 of all deaths are alcohol-related.
There is a causal relationship between the harmful use of alcohol and a range of mental and behavioral disorders, other non-communicable health conditions, and injuries.
Recently, cause-and-effect relationships have been established between the harmful use of alcohol and the incidence of infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, as well as the course of HIV/AIDS.
In addition to its health consequences, harmful alcohol use causes significant social and economic harm to individuals and society as a whole.
Thus, the prevention of drunkenness and alcoholism will be successful only with an integrated, interdepartmental approach.