Flu and Acute Respiratory Disease Prevention Day

January 21


According to ongoing monitoring data, the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections in the territory of the Republic of Belarus as of January 16, 2019 is at a non-epidemic level.

The incidence is caused primarily by viruses not of influenza etiology (parainfluenza viruses, but denoviruses, respiratory syncytial viruses, bocaviruses ). At the same time, according to the results of laboratory studies, there are isolated cases of isolation of influenza A viruses (H1N1, H3N2) from patients with ARI and influenza-like diseases, the vast majority of whom were not vaccinated against influenza.

For reference: circulation of the influenza A virus ( H 1 N 1) is expected for the countries of the Northern Hemisphere, including the Republic of Belarus. Since 2010, analogs of the virus with the antigenic structure A ( H 1 N 1) pdm 09 have been included in all influenza vaccines, including the vaccines used in 2018.

In the structure of cases, the share of children under 18 years of age was 62.7%.

According to Rospotrebnadzor, in the Russian Federation there is a low incidence of influenza and ARI with an increase in the activity of circulation of influenza viruses. There has also been a slight increase in the geographic spread of influenza viruses.

According to FluNews Europe, 93% of countries in the European Region report low intensity influenza, 2 countries (Portugal and the United Kingdom (England)) report moderate intensity, and 1 country (Malta) reports high intensity influenza.

Of the 42 countries in the European Region that reported geographic distribution data, 5 countries (Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Luxembourg and Kosovo) reported no influenza activity, 15 countries (across the region) reported sporadic cases, 8 countries ( in the northern, southern and western parts) - local spread, 5 countries (Israel, Spain, the Netherlands, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine) reported regional activity, 9 countries (in the northern, southern and western parts) - widespread influenza activity.

During periods of increased incidence of ARI and influenza, a number of simple rules should be followed:

  • Practice good hand hygiene - wash your hands often with soap. If it is not possible to wash your hands with soap, use alcohol-containing or disinfectant wipes;
  • clean and disinfect surfaces that you frequently touch (tables, chairs, door handles, etc.) using household detergents;
  • observe “respiratory etiquette” (cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you sneeze or cough, do not touch your nose, mouth and eyes, etc.);
  • avoid visiting crowded places and traveling, try to avoid contact within a distance of less than 1 meter with people with ARI symptoms;
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle (good sleep and nutrition, optimal physical activity).

In case of ARI and influenza, it is very important to follow the following recommendations:

  • if necessary, consult a doctor and strictly follow all his recommendations;
  • maintain bed rest;
  • limit your contacts with your family, especially children, as much as possible, so as not to infect them;
  • ventilate the room more often; Use all medications ONLY as prescribed by a doctor.

Attention parents! Children with signs of acute respiratory infection should stay at home and not attend preschools and schools.

The situation regarding the incidence of acute respiratory infections and influenza is under constant control of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.