World Hand Hygiene Day

May 05

May 5 – World Hand Hygiene Day

The World Health Organization, as part of the “Save Lives: Keep Your Hands Clean!” program World Hand Hygiene Day is celebrated on May 5th.

The purpose of the event is to draw attention to the importance of hand hygiene in healthcare institutions providing medical care, and thereby improve the prevention of infections that pose a threat to the life and health of patients.

According to numerous studies conducted at the present stage of development of medicine, as well as based on historical experience, it has been proven that the hands of medical personnel are one of the main factors in the transmission of pathogens of infectious diseases.

The main task of this day is to emphasize that such a simple procedure as washing your hands is, in fact, the most effective way not only to protect yourself from many dangerous diseases, but also to stop their growth. Carried out according to the rules and in a timely manner, it helps to effectively fight hepatitis and dysentery, and in many cases can prevent acute respiratory infections (ARI) and a host of other ailments. It is very important for adults to set an example for their children and teach them good hand hygiene. It is on the hands that pathogenic microorganisms accumulate in huge quantities. On unwashed hands, researchers find pathogens of diseases such as dysentery, typhoid fever, and cholera. In addition, the dirtiest items are considered to be: a mobile phone, a computer keyboard, elevator buttons and other items that are most often touched by hands. Every adult knows that after a walk, after visiting the toilet and before eating, you must wash your hands. This is the minimum program.

Through hands contaminated with pathogenic microbes, you can become infected with intestinal infections, cholera, typhoid fever, helminthiases and many other infectious diseases. By neglecting the simple rules of hygiene and your own safety, you can expose another person to the risk of contracting all of the listed diseases.

How to wash your hands correctly? Experts from the World Health Organization suggest washing your hands like this:


Your health is in clean hands!