Inner order rules


Dear visitors, in connection with the rise in the incidence of acute respiratory infections among the population of Minsk, in order to limit their spread

Reception of parcels for patients of infectious diseases departments DAILY from 17:00 to 18:00 in the reception department of therapy


Reason: order of the Health Committee of the Minsk City Executive Committee dated February 28, 2020 No. 114 “On strengthening measures to prevent acute respiratory diseases.”

Administration of the Healthcare Institution “1st City Clinical Hospital”



from 17 00 to 19 00


on Saturday, Sunday, holidays

from 12 00 - 14 00


  1. Certificates from the housing office regarding the recalculation of utility bills are issued only in case of emergency and emergency hospitalization in accordance with clause 3 of Chapter 2 of the Regulations “On the procedure for recalculating fees for certain types of utility services and suspension (resumption) of the provision of utility services” approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated 12/16/2005 1466 “... in the case of leaving a permanent place of residence (registration), a citizen must first inform the organization that charges utility bills about the timing of departure. If a temporarily absent citizen violates the established procedure, then the payment for utilities will not be recalculated (except for urgent hospitalization and forced detention).”
  2. Certificates of incapacity for work and certificates of temporary incapacity for work are issued at the department on the day of discharge.
  3. Discharge summaries are handed out to patients if the patient needs continued treatment in the clinic with a certificate of incapacity for work (continues to be ill), on the day of discharge from the hospital. In other cases, discharge summaries are sent to the clinic at the patient’s place of residence.
  4. To obtain information on personnel matters, contact the HR department from 8.30 to 17.00 (lunch from 13.00 to 13.30); responsible  - head of the HR department  Marina Genrikovna Mironova, tel +375 (17) 331-84-37
  5. To obtain information of a financial and economic nature, contact the accounting department from 8.30 to 17.00 (lunch from 13.00 to 13.30); responsible - chief accountant Malysh Natalya Mikhailovna , tel. +375 (17) 292-14-36


for patients of the 1st City Clinical Hospital

1. The internal regulations apply to all patients undergoing treatment at the 1st City Clinical Hospital.

The internal daily routine for patients is regulated by the internal rules of the 1st City Clinical Hospital, approved by the chief physician in agreement with the trade union committee.

2. Internal regulations for patients are posted in publicly accessible places of the healthcare organization, including in the reception department, in the lobby of the main building, on information stands in the structural divisions of the hospital, on the official website of the 1st City Clinical Hospital.

Patients or persons specified in part two of Article 18 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Health Care” are familiarized with the internal regulations of the Institution “1st City Clinical Hospital” orally by the medical registrars of the admission departments, as well as by the nurse of the department in which the patient is hospitalized, about which the patient or the persons specified in part two of Article 18 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Health Care” put a signature in the medical record of the inpatient patient in the presence of the department nurse.

In case of refusal of a patient who is receiving medical care in a hospital setting, or of persons specified in part two of Article 18 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Health Care”, to familiarize themselves with the rules, the specialist doctor makes an appropriate entry in medical documents, which is certified by another specialist doctor Healthcare Institution “1st City Clinical Hospital”.

3. Rules for hospitalization.

Patients in need of intensive treatment, round-the-clock observation and qualified examination are hospitalized in the inpatient departments of the hospital on the direction of doctors from territorial clinics, emergency medical teams, and on the direction of chief specialists of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, district military registration and enlistment offices territorially assigned to the clinic, in the direction of employees of the departments of BelMAPO, BSMU and other healthcare institutions in agreement with the chief physician of the 1st City Clinical Hospital or the deputy chief physician for the medical unit, as well as those who applied independently for emergencies vital indications.

Patients are hospitalized in a planned manner by referral for diseases that do not require urgent (emergency) medical intervention and do not pose an immediate threat to the life of the patient or others, and by ambulance in the event of a sudden onset of illness in the patient, including injuries, poisoning and other emergency conditions, as well as a sudden deterioration in the health of a patient with chronic life-threatening diseases that require urgent (emergency) medical intervention.

The referral of patients in need of medical care in inpatient conditions is carried out in the manner established by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.

Patients are admitted for medical care in inpatient conditions in the hospital’s emergency departments, where a thorough examination and examination necessary to clarify the diagnosis are carried out, a preliminary diagnosis is established and the question of which specialized department he should be hospitalized is decided upon after presentation by him (his legal representative) ) the following documents:

  • referral for hospitalization;
  • passport of a citizen of the Republic of Belarus, residence permit in the Republic of Belarus, refugee certificate;
  • passport or other document replacing it, intended for travel abroad by foreign citizens or stateless persons, issued by the relevant authority of the state of citizenship or usual place of residence of a foreign citizen or stateless person or an international organization.

Patients who are in a critical condition for life, and in other necessary cases, can be hospitalized directly in a specialized department of the hospital with the subsequent preparation of all necessary medical documentation.

The right to priority, priority, priority provision of medical care to patients during hospitalization provided in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

Nonresident citizens are routinely hospitalized for medical care with the permission of the chief physician or deputy chief physician for medical affairs, which is recorded in the medical document of the inpatient patient.

Hospitalization and provision of medical care to foreign citizens is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

When admitting a patient, nurses in the admission departments enter passport data into the medical record of the inpatient patient and the register for registering the admission of patients and refusals of hospitalization, the necessary information about the admitted patient. Patient information is entered into the clinic’s computer database by medical receptionists from the emergency department.

The question of the need for sanitary treatment and its volume is decided by the doctor on duty.

When a patient is hospitalized, the duty staff of the admission departments is obliged to carry out transportation taking into account the severity of his health condition and (or) accompany the patient to the inpatient departments with a personal transfer of the post of the department in which the patient is hospitalized to the duty nurse.

In case of refusal of hospitalization, the doctor on duty provides the patient with the necessary medical care and makes a record in the register of registration and admission of patients and refusals of hospitalization about the reasons for the refusal of hospitalization and the measures taken. According to indications, he transfers the “asset” to the clinic at the place of residence. The patient is given a certificate of application to the emergency department of the established form.

If a patient refuses to provide medical care, including medical intervention, the doctor on duty must explain to him or his legal representative the possible consequences of the refusal in an accessible form.

Refusal to provide medical care, including medical intervention, is recorded in the medical documentation and signed by the patient or his legal representative and the attending physician.

In the event of unconscious patients being brought to the hospital without identification documents or other information that does not allow identifying the patient, as well as in the event of their death, medical workers will inform law enforcement authorities at the location of the hospital.

4. Organization of medical care.

The provision of medical care to patients is carried out on the basis of clinical protocols or methods authorized by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, in accordance with the treatment and diagnostic capabilities of the 1st City Clinical Hospital.

If necessary, patients are referred for medical care to other healthcare organizations in the manner determined by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus. .

Medical assistance to citizens of the Republic of Belarus can be provided anonymously in the manner and under the conditions determined by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.

In exceptional cases established by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, in the interests of the patient, it is allowed to use scientifically based, but not yet approved for use in the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus, methods of providing medical care. The decision to use them is made with the written consent of the patient, and in relation to:

  • minors - with the written consent of one of the parents, adoptive parents, guardians, trustees;
  • persons recognized as legally incompetent in accordance with the established procedure - with the written consent of their guardians;
  • persons who are unable for health reasons to make an informed decision - with the written consent of the spouse or one of the close relatives (parents, adult children, siblings, grandchildren, grandparents).

If the above-mentioned persons are absent or it is impossible to establish their whereabouts in a reasonably short time (based on the patient’s health), the decision on the use of scientifically based, but not yet approved for use in the manner established by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus methods of providing medical care is made by a medical council.

Patients in a life-critical condition are provided with medical care within the scope of the diagnostic and treatment capabilities of the 1st City Clinical Hospital with the necessary organizational and advisory measures.

The procedure and conditions for using methods of providing medical care are determined by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.

5. Attending physician, medical consultations (consiliums).

The attending physician is a medical specialist who organizes and provides medical care to the patient during his medical period.

observation and treatment at the 1st City Clinical Hospital, and if necessary: ​​refers the patient to other medical specialists for medical care; provides the patient or his legal representatives with information about his state of health; raises the question of the need for medical consultations (consiliums) or referral of the patient to other healthcare organizations to the head of the hospital; carries out other activities provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus,

If the patient fails to comply with medical prescriptions or internal regulations of the 1st City Clinical Hospital, the attending physician, with the permission of the head of the 1st City Clinical Hospital, may refuse to provide medical care to the patient if this does not threaten the patient’s life or the health of others "

The procedure for conducting medical consultations (consiliums) is determined by the order of the chief physician of the 1st City Clinical Hospital.

6. Conditions for providing medical care to the patient.

A necessary condition for providing medical care to a patient is the prior consent of an adult patient or his legal representative, who is familiar with the purpose of medical intervention, the predicted results and possible risks.

Consent for simple medical intervention is given orally by the patient or his legal representative. A note of consent to simple medical intervention is made by a medical professional in the medical documentation.

Minors between the ages of sixteen and eighteen have the right to independently consent to simple medical intervention.

Revocation of consent to a simple medical intervention is carried out by the person who gave it. A note about the withdrawal of consent for a simple medical intervention is made by a medical professional in the medical documentation.

The patient's consent to complex medical intervention is entered into the medical documentation and signed by the patient or his legal representative and the attending physician.

If a complex medical intervention must be performed urgently (urgently), and the person representing the legitimate interests of the patient is absent or it is impossible to establish his whereabouts, the decision is made by a medical council, and if it is impossible to carry it out, by the attending physician with the preparation of a medical record.

The attending physician (medical council), who made a decision and carried out an urgent complex medical intervention, must notify the head of the healthcare organization, as well as the legal representative of the patient, as soon as possible.

Consent to a complex medical intervention may be revoked by the patient or his legal representative, except in cases where the medical intervention has already begun and its termination or return to the original state is impossible or is associated with a threat to the life or health of the patient.

Revocation of consent to complex medical intervention and information about the impossibility of satisfying the revocation, indicating the reasons, are recorded in the medical documentation and signed by the patient or his legal representative and the attending physician.

If a patient or his legal representative refuses to provide medical care, including medical intervention, the attending physician must explain in an accessible form the possible consequences of the refusal.

7. Providing information about the patient’s health status.

Information about the patient’s stay in the department can be obtained from the hospital’s information desk by calling 373-46-12.

Information about the patient's health status is provided by the attending physician to the patient or his legal representative.

A meeting of relatives with the attending physician or the head of the department is provided in accordance with the established schedule for the reception of citizens.

Information about the patient's health status is presented by the attending physician in a form that meets the requirements of medical ethics and deontology and is understandable to a person who does not have special knowledge in the field of healthcare.

At the request of a minor or for the purpose of consciously fulfilling medical prescriptions, in agreement with his legal representative, the attending physician is provided with information about the state of his health and the chosen methods of providing medical care in a form accessible to his age, taking into account the psychophysiological maturity and emotional state of the patient.

At the request of the patient, persons authorized by him or his legal representative are issued extracts from medical records, certificates and other documents containing information about the patient’s health status, in the manner established by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

The use of information about the patient’s health status in the educational process and scientific literature is permitted only with the consent of the patient or his legal representative.

Information about the fact that the patient sought medical help and his state of health, information about the presence of the disease, diagnosis, possible methods of providing medical care, risks associated with medical intervention, as well as possible alternatives to the proposed medical intervention, other information, including personal information, received during the provision of medical care to a patient, and in the event of death, information about the results of a pathological examination constitute a medical secret.

Providing information constituting medical confidentiality without the consent of the patient or persons specified in part two of Article 18 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated June 18, 1993 No. 2435-KhP “On Health Care” is permitted upon request in writing and (or) electronically document drawn up in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus on electronic documents and electronic digital signature:

  • the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, main departments, health departments (departments) of regional executive committees and the Health Committee of the Minsk City Executive Committee in order to organize the provision of medical care to the patient, to exercise, within their competence, control over the correctness of its provision or in the event of a threat of the spread of infectious diseases, as well as during the implementation of state sanitary supervision;
  • healthcare organizations in order to organize the provision of medical care to a patient or in the event of a threat of the spread of infectious diseases;
  • criminal prosecution authorities and courts in connection with investigations or legal proceedings;
  • internal affairs bodies on the appearance (failure to appear) of a person obliged to reimburse the expenses spent by the state on the maintenance of children in state care to a state health care organization to undergo a medical examination, as well as on the passage (failure) of a medical examination by this person;
  • bodies carrying out operational investigative activities, in connection with the implementation of such activities;
  • insurance organizations, the Belarusian Bureau of Transport Insurance to resolve the issue of assigning insurance payments;
  • local military authorities for medical examination of citizens upon conscription for military service;
  • bodies of inquiry in connection with conducting examinations to resolve the issue of initiating a criminal case;
  • internal affairs bodies on passing (failure to pass) a medical re-examination of drivers of motor vehicles, self-propelled machines, the presence of a disease or contraindication that prevents the driving of power-driven vehicles, self-propelled machines;
  • in other cases provided for by the legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus.
  • the employer in connection with the investigation of an industrial accident and occupational disease;

The obligation to maintain medical confidentiality, on an equal basis with medical (pharmaceutical) workers, also applies to persons who, in accordance with the legally established procedure, become aware of information constituting a medical secret.

The 1st City Clinical Hospital provides storage of medical records in accordance with the requirements of maintaining medical confidentiality.

8. Procedure for patient discharge.

The patient is discharged from the hospital by the attending physician in agreement with the head of the department.

Discharge from the hospital is permitted:

  • when the patient recovers;
  •  with persistent improvement in health condition, the patient can continue treatment in an outpatient or home setting;
  • if necessary, transfer to another healthcare organization;
  • at the written request of the patient or his legal representative before treatment, if discharge does not threaten the patient’s life with the permission of the chief physician or his deputy for medical affairs;
  • upon completion of a comprehensive examination of expert patients.

The attending physician, in agreement with the head of the department, has the right to discharge a patient who violates the Internal Regulations for Patients: unauthorized care; being in a state of alcoholic intoxication; smoking.

When a patient is discharged from the hospital, medical documentation is drawn up in the manner established by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

On the day of departure from the hospital, the patient is given an epicrisis (extract from the medical record of an inpatient), a sheet or certificate of temporary incapacity for work, and at the patient’s request, a certificate of health is issued.

The discharge is issued by the attending physician, in the evening, on weekends and holidays - by the doctor on duty.

When issuing a certificate of incapacity for work and a certificate of temporary incapacity for work, in order to maintain medical confidentiality, the final diagnosis is coded.

9. Patient's rights.

The patient has the right to:

  • receiving medical care;
  • choice of attending physician and healthcare organization;
  • participation in the choice of methods of providing medical care;
  • respectful and humane treatment on the part of healthcare workers;
  • staying in a health care organization in conditions that meet sanitary, hygienic and anti-epidemic requirements and allow you to exercise the right to safety and protection of personal dignity;
  • obtaining in an accessible form information about the state of one’s own health, the methods of medical care used, as well as the qualifications of the attending physician and other medical workers directly involved in the provision of medical care;
  • selection of persons to whom information about the state of his health can be communicated;
  • refusal to provide medical care, including medical intervention;
  • relief of pain associated with a disease and (or) medical intervention, using all methods of medical care, taking into account the diagnostic and treatment capabilities of the healthcare organization;
  • implementation of other rights in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

When providing medical care in an inpatient setting, the patient has the right to have access to a clergyman, as well as to be provided with conditions for the performance of religious rites, if this does not violate the internal regulations for patients, sanitary and hygienic and anti-epidemic requirements.

Providing the patient with these rights cannot be carried out to the detriment of the health of other patients and medical personnel and violate their rights and freedoms.

10. Responsibilities of the patient.

The patient is obliged:

  • take care of your own health, take timely measures to preserve, strengthen and restore it;
  • treat health care workers and other patients with respect;
  • follow the recommendations of medical workers necessary to implement the chosen treatment tactics, cooperate with medical workers when providing medical care;
  • report medical workers about the presence of diseases that pose a danger to public health, the human immunodeficiency virus, and also take precautions when contacting other persons;
  • inform medical workers about previously identified medical contraindications to the use of drugs, hereditary and past diseases, requests for medical help, as well as changes in health status;
  • follow the internal rules for patients, take care of the property of the health care organization;
  • monitor take care of your belongings (valuables, personal documents), do not leave them unattended, since the 1st City Clinical Hospital is not responsible for the belongings of patients.Unclaimed belongings of patients are stored in the 1st City Clinical Hospital for 3 (three) months from the date of discharge of the patient from the hospital or death, after which they are subject to disposal;
  • observe the need to turn off mobile phones in the wards during the afternoon (from 15.00 to 17.00) and night (after 22.00) rest;
  • perform other duties provided for by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

The patient is prohibited from:

  • smoking, drinking alcoholic, low-alcohol drinks, beer, consuming narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues, toxic or other intoxicating substances;
  • use of mobile communications in the provision of medical care.

11. The procedure for issuing certificates and extracts from medical records.

The procedure for issuing certificates and extracts from medical records to a patient or his legal representative at the 1st City Clinical Hospital is carried out in accordance with Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated April 26, 2010 No. 200 “On administrative procedures carried out by government bodies and other organizations based on applications from citizens.”

The procedure for issuing and issuing certificates of incapacity for work and certificates of temporary disability certifying temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth and confirming the temporary release of citizens from work, study and service and other work activities due to medical reasons and social factors is regulated by the Resolution of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus and the Ministry of Labor and social protection of the Republic of Belarus dated January 4, 2018 No. 1/1 “On approval of the Instruction on the procedure for issuing and processing certificates of incapacity for work and certificates of temporary disability.”

12. Procedure for resolving conflict situations..

Conflict situations between the 1st City Clinical Hospital and the patient are resolved in the manner prescribed by law.

In the event of a violation of the patient’s rights, he or his legal representative may file a complaint, orally or in writing, with the head of the department, deputy chief physician for services, or the chief physician of the hospital during their personal appointment hours or during administrative rounds.

In the case of a written appeal, it must be drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Law “On Appeals of Citizens and Legal Entities” dated July 18, 2011 No. 300-3. Written appeals from citizens must contain:

  • name and (or) address of the organization or position of the person to whom the appeal is sent;
  • last name, first name, patronymic (if any) or initials of the citizen, address of his place of residence (place of stay) and (or) place of work (study);
  • statement of the essence of the appeal;
  • personal signature of the citizen (citizens).

The timing and procedure for considering citizens' appeals are regulated by the legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

In controversial cases, the patient has the right, if his demands are not satisfied, to appeal to a higher authority of the healthcare system or to court in the manner prescribed by law.

4. Time and duration of visit for obstetrics departments - on weekdays and weekends from 17.00 to 19.00, for the neonatal department, department of anesthesiology and intensive care for newborns from 13.30 to 14.30.

5. In order to comply with sanitary standards, visitors are allowed into the departments of the maternity hospital of the 1st City Clinical Hospital wearing shoe covers, a gown, and a mask.

6. During the period of introduction of sanitary and anti-epidemic measures in healthcare organizations, visits are allowed in personal protective equipment (masks, caps, gowns, shoe covers).

Requirements for visiting patients in the department of anesthesiology and resuscitation (with intensive care and intensive care wards) for newborns, in the neonatal unit at the intensive care post:

  1. Visits are allowed in accordance with the list of patients and the list of visitors.
  2. Visits are allowed upon presentation of an identity document by no more than 2 visitors from among relatives, with the exception of children under 14 years of age.
  3. Visitors with large hand luggage (bulk bags, suitcases, boxes, etc.) are not allowed into the department.
  4. Visiting hours for the department of anesthesiology and intensive care for newborns are from 13.30 to 14.30.
  5. The visitor is obliged:
    1. before entering the premises of the maternity hospital, remove outer clothing in the wardrobe, put on shoe covers (purchased at the visitor’s own expense) or replacement shoes, a mask;
    2. before entering the anesthesiology and intensive care unit for newborns, put on a cape, cap, and treat your hands with an antiseptic;
    3. keep silence;
    4. do not impede the provision of medical care to other patients;
    5. do not use electronic devices and communications equipment, do not touch medical products and medical equipment;
    6. immediately leave the room at the request of medical workers if invasive procedures are necessary (tracheal intubation, vascular catheterization, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, etc.);
    7. comply with other requirements of medical workers.

Requirements for visiting patients in the obstetric physiology department, obstetric observation department

Visits are allowed in accordance with the list of patients and the list of visitors.

No more than 2 relatives are allowed into obstetric departments**.

Visits are allowed in wards for patients with 1-2 beds.

Visits are allowed upon presentation of an identity document.

Visitors with large hand luggage (large bags, suitcases, boxes, etc.) are not allowed into the department.

Visiting hours for obstetric departments are from 17.00 to 19.00.

The visitor is obliged:

  • before the visit, present an identification document to the person responsible for admitting visitors to the maternity hospital departments; 
  • Before visiting the department, you must take off your outerwear in the cloakroom, put on shoe covers (purchased at the visitors’ own expense) or replacement shoes, and a mask;
  • upon entering the ward, the visitor is required to treat his hands with an antiseptic;
  • keep silence;
  • If necessary, there is the possibility of additional consultation with relatives if questions arise regarding the care of the newborn.

**relatives are a spouse, parents, adoptive parents, children, siblings, grandparents.

Sorry. The section is currently being finalized.