Grievance mechanism at the healthcare organization level (level 1)
Doctors inform
Actual information
Unified health days
Providing situational assistance to people with disabilities
Reminder for patients undergoing tests
Information from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus on the provision of medical care in the Republic of Belarus to foreign citizens and stateless persons
25.09.2023 Since 1992, in the Republic of Belarus, as well as throughout the world, the Day of Older People is celebrated annually on October 1.
In December 2020, the Government of the Republic of Belarus approved the National Strategy “Active Longevity - 2030”, which defines the main directions of state policy in the interests of older citizens.Period 2021-2030 proclaimed by the United Nations as the Decade of Healthy Aging.The key factor determining the lifestyle and quality of life of older people, their ability to participate in the processes of socio-economic development of the country, is their health status.The priority areas of the healthcare system to maintain the active longevity of citizens are to improve the quality and availability of healthcare services focused on the needs of older citizens:
Taking into account the needs of older citizens, the Republic of Belarus has taken a course towards creating a geriatric service. In Minsk, a city geriatric center has been operating on a regular basis for over twenty years. The structure of the city geriatric center includes a psychologist’s office and a telephone “information line” (tel. 258-58-15).
The provision of medical care to older people is carried out by all health care organizations without age restrictions. Every year, older people are examined by a general practitioner or a geriatrician. If necessary, medical specialists are invited to examine elderly citizens.
In Minsk, the provision of palliative care to disabled people and single elderly citizens has been organized at the State Institution “Hospice Palliative Care Hospital”, by employees of the visiting visiting service of this institution, as well as in nursing departments.
A system of interaction between medical services of social service institutions and territorial health care institutions has been built.
Healthy aging can be a reality for everyone.
To achieve this, healthy aging must be seen not only as the absence of disease, but more as the strengthening of functional abilities that enable older people to engage in activities that they value.In the city's healthcare institutions, conditions have been created for the use of the institutions' rehabilitation facilities and the use of techniques that allow elderly patients to remain active and able to live independently. The leading role in identifying morbidity and dynamic monitoring belongs to the primary level of the medical network, with an emphasis on the active patronage of this contingent by nursing staff:
“Third Age Health Schools” have been created and operate in the city, the purpose of which is to prevent premature aging, inform people over 60 years of age about risk factors for the development of diseases, features of the course of diseases in old age, methods of preventing various diseases, and a balanced diet. Currently, there are 49 “Third Age Health Schools” operating in Minsk. In inpatient facilities, these “schools” will continue to operate.
“School of Active Longevity” offices are opening in city clinics, within the framework of which the work of the “School of Third Age Health” will continue.
A section “Active Longevity” has been created on the websites of healthcare institutions, where information on “Healthy Aging” is posted.
In September - October 2023 all healthcare institutions of the city take part in the republican campaign for the Day of Older Persons
"Respect. Care. Responsibility".
The main goal of the action is to attract public attention to the issues of responsibility of adult able-bodied children for elderly parents.
Respect for old age is one of the first privileges of human society.
International Day of Older Persons provides an excellent opportunity to express deep respect and say warm words of gratitude to all older people for their conscientious work, vast life experience, kindness and wisdom.
We must let them feel our attention and care, show that they are not alone and are very needed.
25.09.2023 Since 1992, in the Republic of Belarus, as well as throughout the world, the Day of Older People is celebrated annually on October 1.
In December 2020, the Government of the Republic of Belarus approved the National Strategy “Active Longevity - 2030”, which defines the main directions of state policy in the interests of older citizens.Period 2021-2030 proclaimed by the United Nations as the Decade of Healthy Aging.The key factor determining the lifestyle and quality of life of older people, their ability to participate in the processes of socio-economic development of the country, is their health status.The priority areas of the healthcare system to maintain the active longevity of citizens are to improve the quality and availability of healthcare services focused on the needs of older citizens:
Taking into account the needs of older citizens, the Republic of Belarus has taken a course towards creating a geriatric service. In Minsk, a city geriatric center has been operating on a regular basis for over twenty years. The structure of the city geriatric center includes a psychologist’s office and a telephone “information line” (tel. 258-58-15).
The provision of medical care to older people is carried out by all health care organizations without age restrictions. Every year, older people are examined by a general practitioner or a geriatrician. If necessary, medical specialists are invited to examine elderly citizens.
In Minsk, the provision of palliative care to disabled people and single elderly citizens has been organized at the State Institution “Hospice Palliative Care Hospital”, by employees of the visiting visiting service of this institution, as well as in nursing departments.
A system of interaction between medical services of social service institutions and territorial health care institutions has been built.
Healthy aging can be a reality for everyone.
To achieve this, healthy aging must be seen not only as the absence of disease, but more as the strengthening of functional abilities that enable older people to engage in activities that they value.In the city's healthcare institutions, conditions have been created for the use of the institutions' rehabilitation facilities and the use of techniques that allow elderly patients to remain active and able to live independently. The leading role in identifying morbidity and dynamic monitoring belongs to the primary level of the medical network, with an emphasis on the active patronage of this contingent by nursing staff:
“Third Age Health Schools” have been created and operate in the city, the purpose of which is to prevent premature aging, inform people over 60 years of age about risk factors for the development of diseases, features of the course of diseases in old age, methods of preventing various diseases, and a balanced diet. Currently, there are 49 “Third Age Health Schools” operating in Minsk. In inpatient facilities, these “schools” will continue to operate.
“School of Active Longevity” offices are opening in city clinics, within the framework of which the work of the “School of Third Age Health” will continue.
A section “Active Longevity” has been created on the websites of healthcare institutions, where information on “Healthy Aging” is posted.
In September - October 2023 all healthcare institutions of the city take part in the republican campaign for the Day of Older Persons
"Respect. Care. Responsibility".
The main goal of the action is to attract public attention to the issues of responsibility of adult able-bodied children for elderly parents.
Respect for old age is one of the first privileges of human society.
International Day of Older Persons provides an excellent opportunity to express deep respect and say warm words of gratitude to all older people for their conscientious work, vast life experience, kindness and wisdom.
We must let them feel our attention and care, show that they are not alone and are very needed.