September 17 — National Unity Day



On September 17, the Republic of Belarus celebrates a national holiday - National Unity Day, which was established by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated June 7, 2021 No. 206.

This day became an act of historical justice in relation to the Belarusian people, divided against their will in 1921 under the terms of the Riga Peace Treaty, and was forever entrenched in the national historical tradition. The unity restored in 1939 allowed Belarus to survive the Great Patriotic War, take an honorable place in the international community, and become one of the co-founders of the United Nations.

A large number of socio-political and patriotic events, as well as in the field of culture, museum activities and media, are dedicated to National Unity Day.

Dear colleagues, friends! Congratulations on National Unity Day!

The memory of the past, the continuity of generations, joint creative work for the prosperity of the Republic of Belarus allows us to maintain peace and prosperity on our land. Mutual support and assistance have always helped the Belarusian people survive in the most difficult times. Traditional family values ​​and respect for history instill in our children a sense of national dignity.

We wish everyone peace, happiness and success in all their endeavors! Let kindness, love and understanding always reign in your families!