April 7 - World Health Day


The theme for April 7, 2024 is "My Health is My Right."

Everyone has the right to life and health, regardless of race, nationality, sex or age. It is our birthright and includes both the right to complete physical and mental well-being and the right to decent and accessible health care. 

WHO is campaigning for leaders to ensure that everyone can live and work in an environment that promotes health and that all people have universal and timely access to quality health care. 

It has been found that the level of health status of people depends on the level of health care and medical services only by 8-10%. The rest is formed from a variety of other factors:

  • environmental,
  • economic,
  • social environment,
  • historical traditions of behavior,
  • food culture,
  • on people's attitudes towards themselves and their health.

The State Program "People's Health and Demographic Security" for 2021-2025 has been developed and adopted for implementation in the Republic of Belarus. 

The program defines priority directions in the field of health protection and demographic security for 2021 - 2025:

– development of measures to promote reproductive health, a culture of healthy lifestyles and health conservation;

– improving the system of support for families with children, improving their living conditions, and strengthening the institution of the family;

development of outpatient and polyclinic services;

– transition from fixed financing of health care organizations to a system of results-based financing;

– introduction of a national system of medical accreditation of health care organizations;

– development of regional health care, including interregional and interdistrict centersWe invite all those who are not indifferent to their own health and the health of future generations to support the WHO initiative, to participate in the dissemination of information within the framework of World Health Day on the development of medical and preventive technologies for the preservation and promotion of health!