Father's Day and Parenting Week


On October 23, an event dedicated to Father’s Day and the Week of Parental Love took place in the maternity hospital of the health care institution “1st City Clinical Hospital”!

The administration of the clinic under the leadership of the chief physician, Olga Petrovna Esmanchik, together with members of the primary organization of the Belarusian Women's Union and the Belaya Rus ROO, solemnly congratulated those dads who on Father's Day - October 21, in the maternity hospital of the 1st City Clinical Hospital" children were born!

The action participants visited the young parents, presented them with memorable gifts, congratulated the fathers on the birth of their children, and also expressed gratitude for their trust in the maternity hospital specialists and wished them many joyful moments associated with the new addition to the family.

The staff of the institution were happy to give young parents a special Father's Day, decorated with the birth of their children, and expressed the hope that these moments will remain in the memory of fathers for the rest of their lives and will become an unforgettable memory for the whole family!
