Grievance mechanism at the healthcare organization level (level 1)
Doctors inform
Actual information
Unified health days
Providing situational assistance to people with disabilities
Reminder for patients undergoing tests
Information from the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus on the provision of medical care in the Republic of Belarus to foreign citizens and stateless persons
Alcoholism is a dependence on alcoholic beverages. Having an alcohol addiction is difficult to admit it even to yourself. The person continues to drink, believing that he has everything under control. He needs help and support from family and friends.
WHO identifies several reasons why alcohol dependence manifests itself:
Psychological. Predisposition to alcoholism, high sensitivity to ethanol.
Social. The desire to imitate someone, shyness, lack of self-confidence, hence the desire to relax by drinking alcoholic beverages.
Biological. Dependence at the genetic level.
Alcohol addiction has certain symptoms:
Binges. Drinking strong drinks over a long period of time.
The body does not react to alcohol ; it is no longer rejected. There is no nausea or vomiting even after taking an impressive dose.
Hangover. Unpleasant sensations the next morning caused by intoxication of the body with ethanol are treated by the drinker with a glass of alcohol. He thinks it's medicine. He does get better, but for a short period of time. Then everything starts in a circle.
Change in appearance . A drinking person ages faster. This deterioration in the condition of organs and systems is expressed in appearance. The skin becomes flabby, the whites of the eyes turn yellow, nails become brittle, and hair falls out.
Aggressiveness. The person becomes irritable. The lack of the required dose deprives him of his sanity.
Personality. This is what, according to the WHO , is considered one of the main symptoms of the last stage of alcoholism. Any interests other than drinking alcohol are lost. The person becomes antisocial.
Patients with alcoholism stand out from the mainstream. They are betrayed by their appearance, unpleasant smell, and inappropriate behavior in public places. They don't understand this and think that everything is normal.
Harm of alcoholic drinks to the human body
Excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages is harmful and dangerous, it entails negative consequences:
development of heart failure;
cirrhosis of the liver;
gastritis, stomach ulcer;
decreased brain activity;
inhibition of reaction speed;
rapid aging;
deterioration in appearance;
loss of interest in life;
personality degradation.
Alcoholism is a disease that affects all areas of a person’s life. The environment begins to despise such people, as they behave aggressively and asocially. This leads to the loss of family, friends, work, position in society, and one’s own self.
Harmful use of alcohol is a major public health problem
Harmful use of alcohol is the fifth leading risk factor for premature death and disability worldwide. It is the leading cause of death and disability in developing countries with low mortality rates, the third leading risk factor after tobacco and blood pressure in developed countries, and the eleventh leading risk factor in developing countries with high mortality rates.
Harmful use of alcohol is responsible for more than 200 diseases and injuries.
Globally, 3 million people die each year as a result of the harmful use of alcohol, accounting for 5.3% of all deaths.
Harmful use of alcohol is a major preventable risk factor for neuropsychiatric disorders and other non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease, liver cirrhosis and various types of cancer.
The harmful use of alcohol by young people and women is a growing concern in many countries.
Harmful use of alcohol is associated with numerous social consequences, such as road traffic accidents, crime, violence, unemployment and absenteeism. It comes at a cost to health and society. Health and social impacts disproportionately affect less advantaged social groups and contribute to health disparities between and within countries.
Alcoholism is a dependence on alcoholic beverages. Having an alcohol addiction is difficult to admit it even to yourself. The person continues to drink, believing that he has everything under control. He needs help and support from family and friends.
WHO identifies several reasons why alcohol dependence manifests itself:
Psychological. Predisposition to alcoholism, high sensitivity to ethanol.
Social. The desire to imitate someone, shyness, lack of self-confidence, hence the desire to relax by drinking alcoholic beverages.
Biological. Dependence at the genetic level.
Alcohol addiction has certain symptoms:
Binges. Drinking strong drinks over a long period of time.
The body does not react to alcohol ; it is no longer rejected. There is no nausea or vomiting even after taking an impressive dose.
Hangover. Unpleasant sensations the next morning caused by intoxication of the body with ethanol are treated by the drinker with a glass of alcohol. He thinks it's medicine. He does get better, but for a short period of time. Then everything starts in a circle.
Change in appearance . A drinking person ages faster. This deterioration in the condition of organs and systems is expressed in appearance. The skin becomes flabby, the whites of the eyes turn yellow, nails become brittle, and hair falls out.
Aggressiveness. The person becomes irritable. The lack of the required dose deprives him of his sanity.
Personality. This is what, according to the WHO , is considered one of the main symptoms of the last stage of alcoholism. Any interests other than drinking alcohol are lost. The person becomes antisocial.
Patients with alcoholism stand out from the mainstream. They are betrayed by their appearance, unpleasant smell, and inappropriate behavior in public places. They don't understand this and think that everything is normal.
Harm of alcoholic drinks to the human body
Excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages is harmful and dangerous, it entails negative consequences:
development of heart failure;
cirrhosis of the liver;
gastritis, stomach ulcer;
decreased brain activity;
inhibition of reaction speed;
rapid aging;
deterioration in appearance;
loss of interest in life;
personality degradation.
Alcoholism is a disease that affects all areas of a person’s life. The environment begins to despise such people, as they behave aggressively and asocially. This leads to the loss of family, friends, work, position in society, and one’s own self.
Harmful use of alcohol is a major public health problem
Harmful use of alcohol is the fifth leading risk factor for premature death and disability worldwide. It is the leading cause of death and disability in developing countries with low mortality rates, the third leading risk factor after tobacco and blood pressure in developed countries, and the eleventh leading risk factor in developing countries with high mortality rates.
Harmful use of alcohol is responsible for more than 200 diseases and injuries.
Globally, 3 million people die each year as a result of the harmful use of alcohol, accounting for 5.3% of all deaths.
Harmful use of alcohol is a major preventable risk factor for neuropsychiatric disorders and other non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular disease, liver cirrhosis and various types of cancer.
The harmful use of alcohol by young people and women is a growing concern in many countries.
Harmful use of alcohol is associated with numerous social consequences, such as road traffic accidents, crime, violence, unemployment and absenteeism. It comes at a cost to health and society. Health and social impacts disproportionately affect less advantaged social groups and contribute to health disparities between and within countries.