Single day of safety



The Republic of Belarus annually celebrates a Single Safety Day.

The main objectives of the event are to train employees in organizations on the correct actions to take in the event of fires and emergency situations, as well as on actions to provide first aid

(i.e. self-help, mutual assistance), including before the arrival of special services (rescuers, medical workers, police).

The relevance of the event is confirmed by the tragic events occurring around the world.

Thus (according to online sources), on December 5, 2009, a fire occurred in the Lame Horse nightclub (Perm, Russia), which killed 156 people. On January 27, 2013, 239 people died in a fire in the Kiss nightclub (Santa Maria, Brazil), and on March 25, 2018, more than 60 people died in the Winter Cherry shopping center (Kemerovo, Russia), including 37 children, and about 80 more were injured. The terrorist attack on March 22, 2024 in Crocus City Hall (Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region) was aggravated by a fire, resulting in the deaths of 145 people (including 6 children) and injuries to more than 550 people.

The reasons and conditions that led to such a number of victims were mistakes made by visitors during the evacuation, panic, mistakes by managers during planning and by personnel during the organization of the evacuation.

In our republic, there have been no fires with tragic consequences, however, the issue of the correct evacuation of people from buildings during a fire (both at work and in public places where each of us visits) is relevant.

Fires occur annually at the facilities of the republic's organizations. Thus, in the first 8 months of 2024, 322 fires occurred at the facilities of organizations, from which 6 people died and 16 were injured.

Each of us can find ourselves in a situation in which our life and health, as well as those of those who are nearby, will depend on the correctness of our actions and behavior. Therefore, today's event must be approached responsibly.