Single information day



The material was prepared on the basis of information from the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Belarus, materials from the BelTA agency and the newspaper SB. Belarus today"

Elections are one of the integral elements of democracy in the state, an effective format for collective decision-making with equal influence of participants on the outcome of the process.

In our country, the constitutional principle of democracy, enshrined in Article 3 of the Basic Law of the Republic of Belarus, has been maximally realized: “The people exercise their power directly, through representative and other bodies in the forms and limits determined by the Constitution . ” In Belarus, everything has been done so that the citizen can independently and freely decide who deserves his vote in the elections.

On November 20, 2023, the President of the Republic of Belarus A.G. Lukashenko signed decrees No. 367 “On calling elections of deputies” and No. 368 “On calling elections to the Council of the Republic of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus.”


The current election campaign is the largest in the history of independent Belarus. It is necessary to elect 110 deputies of the House of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus and 12,514 deputies of local Councils of Deputies.

For reference:

There are 388 deputies in the regional and Minsk city councils, 3,434 in district councils, 373 in city councils (cities of regional subordination), 223 in city councils, 63 in village councils, and 8,033 in rural councils.

On a single voting day from 08:00 to 20:00, Belarusian citizens will decide on representatives who will speak on their behalf, delegating to them the right to govern our country. Those voters who will not be able to come to the polling station on Sunday can exercise their voting rights during the early voting period from February 20 to 24 from 12:00 to 19:00.

Along with this, voting will be organized at the location of the voter . If he is unable to come to the polling station in person, a citizen may contact the precinct commission, including on election day (before 18.00), with a request to organize voting at his location. It will be possible to vote at home only on February 25 .

From February 9, every voter can check whether he is included in the voting list at his place of residence and whether his information is correct.

Voters who are not registered in the territory of a polling station, but have a document confirming residence in this territory, have the right to be included in the voter list before election day (no later than February 24, 2024).

A special feature of this campaign is that citizens of Russia who permanently reside in the territory of our country have the right to participate in the elections of deputies to local councils.

Citizens who permanently reside abroad will be able to come to the country and vote at polling station No. 248, located in Minsk at the address: st. Sverdlova, 30 (State Educational Institution “Gymnasium No. 75 named after P.V. Maslenikov”). If a citizen has registration at the place of residence, he will be included in the lists at the place of registration.

For reference:

The decision to abandon the establishment of voting stations abroad is due to the lack of necessary security measures on the territory of other countries, a reduction in the number of diplomatic service employees, and an unfavorable epidemiological situation.

At the polling station, voters will receive:

in Minsk - 2 ballots each : for elections of deputies of the House of Representatives and the Minsk City Council of Deputies;

in regional and district centers - 3 ballots each : for elections of deputies of the House of Representatives, regional council, city council or district council;

in rural areas - 4 ballots each : for elections of deputies of the House of Representatives, regional council, district council, village or town council.


From March 12 to March 21, 2024, the presidiums of the newly elected district and city Councils of Deputies, together with the district and city executive committees, the presidiums of the Minsk City Council of Deputies and the Minsk City Executive Committee, will nominate candidates for members of the Council of the Republic.

From March 22 to March 31, 2024, registration of candidates for members of the Council of the Republic will take place.

Elections of members of the Council of the Republic will be held on April 4, 2024 at meetings of deputies of local Councils of Deputies of the basic level in each region and deputies of the Minsk City Council of Deputies.

The establishment of the election results by the Central Election Commission and the registration of elected members of the Council of the Republic will take place no later than April 11, 2024.

Attention to speakers: when preparing a speech, it is advisable to use previously sent materials about the role and powers of deputies of local Councils of Deputies, Parliament, as well as the results of the legislative activities of the Parliament of the seventh convocation.

As experts note, the organization and conduct of elections in Belarus demonstrate the increased consciousness of the entire Belarusian society. The civilized and calm nature of the campaign is a guarantee that no one from abroad will be able to drag our country into another coup attempt.


Elections are always a competition of ideas, projects, personalities. Unfortunately, for a long time, under the pretext of participating in election campaigns in our country, access to public politics was given to people who were not oriented toward fair political competition, but toward confrontation with the state.

The experience of previous election campaigns in Belarus shows that the number of candidates for deputies does not always guarantee the quality of the choice. Suffice it to say that almost 5% (27 people) of registered candidates for the House of Representatives in the 2019 elections were unemployed (in 2024 - 0.4% (1 person)). And most of the so-called “Independent” nominees did nothing but call for the destruction of the constitutional system. In fact, despite the apparent abundance, voters had one choice: between chaos and evolutionary development. This choice was always obvious.

Direct evidence that competitiveness and competitiveness are ensured in the 2024 elections of deputies is the statistics of registered candidates for deputies.

For reference:

A total of 298 candidates were nominated to the House of Representatives , of which 265 were registered . Among them are 10 citizens under the age of 31, 92 women, 20 current deputies of the House of Representatives, 31 current deputies of local Councils of Deputies. 82 candidates represent the fields of science, education, healthcare, culture, sports, 50 - government agencies, 49 - industry, transport, construction.

In total, 18,996 candidates were nominated to deputies of local Councils of Deputies , of which 18,802 will continue to fight for a deputy mandate. Among them are 803 citizens under the age of 31, 10,107 women, 7,330 current deputies of local Councils of Deputies.

Attention to the speakers: here it is advisable to provide general information about the candidates for deputies in your region.

Voters can watch how candidates for deputies compete with each other from January 31 to February 24 ( pre-election campaign period) .

For reference:

The Electoral Code provides ample opportunities for deputy candidates to inform citizens about their election program: meetings with their voters at meetings or in another form convenient for voters;

mass events (outdoor meetings, rallies, picketing) for the purpose of election campaigning;

distribution of campaign materials at the expense of own election funds.

Voters will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the election programs of candidates for deputies of the House of Representatives in the print media, see and hear their speeches on television and radio.

Election programs of candidates for deputies of the local Council of Deputies will be posted on the official website of the relevant local executive and administrative body.

Attention to the speakers: here it is advisable to provide information about the places identified for campaigning on the territory of the districts formed in your region.

In addition, at all voting stations no later than 14 days before the elections, stands with information materials about the candidates will be set up.


It is important to emphasize that the country approached the current elections by significantly updating a number of the most important elements of the political system - changes and additions were made to the Constitution, legislation regulating the activities of political parties and public associations was improved. All this made it possible to get rid of numerous fake structures that existed on paper, or those that were managed or financed from outside.

There are no longer, as they say, “pocket” parties in Belarus, numbering a couple of hundred people, owned by oligarchs or in the pay of their masters outside the country.

Belarusian parties represent the interests of large social groups (at least 5 thousand members) - from workers and peasants (CPB, RPTS), to nationally oriented business (LDPB) and representatives of the social sphere (Belarusian Party “Belaya Rus”).

Party candidates represent the entire ideological spectrum, they can and will offer different ways to achieve a common goal - building a strong and prosperous Belarus. There are no other rules of the game in the country’s party field and there never will be.

For reference:

The Belarusian party “Belaya Rus” nominated 3,687 candidates for local Councils of Deputies and 72 for Parliament for the upcoming elections.

The Communist Party of Belarus nominated 609 people to local Councils of Deputies and 50 to Parliament.

Republican Party of Labor and Justice - 420 people in local Councils of Deputies and 21 in Parliament.

Liberal Democratic Party of Belarus - 209 people in local Councils of Deputies and 63 in Parliament.

Full and fair competition on the party field becomes a response to the excesses and lawlessness that our opponents propose. There are no societies where there are no alternative development projects. Belarus is no exception. But we will argue and discuss the ways of the country’s development in a civilized and democratic manner on the parliamentary platform.

At the same time, despite the importance of party building, most of the nominated candidates for deputies are non-party members.

For reference:

In accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, the right to nominate candidates for deputies is vested not only in political parties, but also in labor collectives and citizens by collecting signatures.

In Belarus, the voter is trusted and allowed to decide for himself who he wants to see in Parliament or in the local Council: a supporter of a particular party or a person nominated by collecting signatures or by the labor collective. This demonstrates the democracy of our system.

While in many countries, especially in the West, citizens are left with no real choice. There, impersonal party lists are imposed on people. In fact, they are formed by groups within the ruling circles.

Belarusians have gone their own way and this approach is met with understanding not only within our country, but also among many people abroad.


Being a deputy is not a privilege, but a responsible job. It places high demands on the professional and life experience of a candidate for a deputy mandate, his authority in society, and his competence in matters of government.

Understanding this, Belarusians make their choice consciously, thoughtfully, weighing all the pros and cons, carefully studying the election program of candidates for deputies. This is the political culture of Belarusians, which implies an equal, meaningful, mutually beneficial dialogue between society and the state, and not “hullabaloo and shouting,” as “Western teachers” are trying to impose on us.

The cost of a mistake is too high to turn the election campaign into a performance or show in the manner of the so-called “model” Western democracies. Serious disputes and discussions about the ways of development of society and the state there have long given way to scandals and discussions of the personal lives of politicians busy replenishing their bank accounts and career growth. We can see how this turns out firsthand in the example of the largest European countries, whose residents have no choice but to take to the streets demanding the protection of their basic rights and interests.

In accordance with the results of a sociological study conducted by the Institute of Sociology of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus in November–December 2023, the population considers the most preferred forms of work during the election campaign to be traditional: meetings of candidates with citizens at their place of residence (34.8%) and work or study (23 .3%), their appearances on TV, radio and in the press (27.6%), as well as television debates (20.5%). These forms allow you to assess the advantages and potential of candidates, primarily through direct communication with them. Next are work on the Internet, the use of visual campaigning means, individual work of the candidate and his proxies with voters.

62.8% of respondents believe that, first of all, the election program of a candidate for deputy should reflect specific proposals for resolving problematic issues, and not promises, slogans or criticism of current deputies, opponents or authorities. This indicates that voters expect potential parliamentary candidates to perform thorough work if elected.

The voter's choice is largely influenced by the personality characteristics of the candidate for deputy.

According to opinion polls, when choosing deputies, respondents are mainly guided by information about the level of competence of candidates (leadership experience - 38.6%, education - 33.4%, area of ​​work - 30.5%, political views - 29.8% , the presence of merits or achievements - 25.7%, the ability to speak and perform competently - 25.1%), his age (29.1%) and political views (29.8%).

Citizens are less interested in the personal life, religious and party affiliations of candidates.

Voters vote both for the candidate himself and for the program with which he stands.

According to respondents, after his election, a deputy should focus on: implementing public initiatives and proposals (40.9%), personal receptions of citizens (33.7%), monitoring decisions made by the authorities (29.3%), holding meetings with voters (26.8%), improving legal norms and legislation (19.9%). Representative functions and personal interests were highly frowned upon.

Thus, the Belarusian voter in his choice is guided by common sense, objective assessments and an orientation towards “earthly” interests.

From candidates, whether they are party members or non-party members, society expects a new level of political culture and political struggle. This means open, free and constructive competition of ideas and opinions.


Holding elections in order to please someone in the West and to be included in the high offices of the so-called “masters of the world” is not our way. For such a “privilege” many countries and peoples pay with their sovereignty.

The state and society in Belarus are guided by a simple and obvious truth - we hold elections for ourselves, in order to elect the most worthy deputies who will protect and defend our interests. We would be ready to adhere to common international standards for conducting elections, but no one has come up with such standards yet. That is why Belarus refrained from inviting the OSCE observation mission to the parliamentary elections on February 25.

For reference:

Among the reasons for this decision:

the OSCE lacks uniform norms and standards that are accepted by all countries on the topic of international election observation. As a result, certain geographical functional imbalances are observed: an unequal number of observers who are sent by decision of the OSCE ODIHR to the west and east of Vienna, as well as the traditional dominance of representatives of Western countries in OSCE missions;

degradation of the atmosphere of interstate interaction in the OSCE space, which is expressed in an acute crisis of trust, violation of the traditions of respectful, diplomatically correct dialogue. A striking manifestation is the introduction by Western countries of unjustifiably harsh political and economic sanctions, including against the Belarusian Parliament. Belarusian parliamentarians are included in the EU visa restriction lists, which means a virtual ban on their participation in election observation by the OSCE ODIHR and the OSCE PA in EU countries.

At the same time, the Republic of Belarus remains open to unbiased electoral monitoring of the elections. The procedure for sending and accrediting observers during elections is established by the Central Election Commission. In accordance with the Election Code of the Republic of Belarus, observers can be representatives of political parties, other public associations, labor collectives, citizens, representatives of foreign states and international organizations.

For reference:

As of February 5, 2024, 27,790 internal observers were accredited, of which: the Central Election Commission, regional (Minsk city) district election commissions - 726, district, city, settlement, rural, precinct - 27,064.

The following are invited to observe the elections in the Republic of Belarus:

CIS mission, including the Interparliamentary Assembly of the CIS Member States (86 people);

Shanghai Cooperation Organization (4 people);

electoral bodies of foreign states (6 people).

In total, about 96 foreign observers will observe the elections of deputies in the Republic of Belarus (as of January 31).

Attention to speakers: here it is advisable to provide up-to-date information on the number of accredited observers in your region.

At the same time, the decision to refrain from inviting OSCE observers to the February 25 elections does not mean a general refusal to cooperate in election observation within the OSCE. The Belarusian side will be ready to reconsider its approaches to inviting OSCE observers if the West finds the strength, courage, and opportunity to abandon the sanctions policy and attempts to interfere in the internal affairs of Belarus.


The key feature of the 2024 election campaign is that it is taking place against the backdrop of serious foreign policy challenges for our country - the military conflict in Ukraine and undisguised hybrid aggression from the West. In such conditions, elections are not only the formation of representative bodies of power, but also a universal mechanism for consolidation and social unity of the Belarusian people. This is at the same time the opportunity, right and duty of each of us to serve the cause of preserving peace in our land.

Belarusians are faced with a difficult task - building a national political system that would maximally ensure and protect the values ​​of peace, security and social justice on Belarusian soil. Coming to the polling station and making your choice is not only the duty and responsibility of each of us, but it is also a loud “NO” to public confrontation, “Maidan” and chaos in our country. It is impossible not to cast your vote - too much responsibility for the future lies with each of us.

Elections to Parliament and local Councils of Deputies are an opportunity to participate in governing the country, influence decisions made and see the results of your talent, professionalism and hard work. No one needs a successful, technologically advanced, comfortable and cozy Belarus except ourselves. And no one will build it the way we want to see it, either. You shouldn’t believe empty promises and hope for someone else’s help.


Despite the fact that the current election campaign is taking place against the backdrop of attempts to grossly interfere in the internal affairs of independent Belarus, political wisdom, national unity and the desire to live in a peaceful country will allow Belarusians to make the right choice.

Citizens accepted the words of Head of State A.G. Lukashenko as a guide to action : “Today we are in such a difficult situation that it is like we are walking on thin ice. A careless step and we can drown and overturn the state . ”

Our constitutional system is once again undergoing an important test. The correct, conscious choice of every citizen will determine the further sustainable development of sovereign Belarus, the prosperous future of our children and grandchildren.