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1. I want to become a donor
Today, donated blood is the only therapeutic agent that cannot be replaced with another drug. Therefore, donation of blood and its components remains an important part of the healthcare system of the Republic of Belarus.
Blood transfusions make it possible to save human lives every year during complex surgical and obstetric-gynecological surgical interventions. Donor blood components are indispensable for many diseases.
Every donated dose of blood is someone's life saved!
We invite donors and those who want to become a blood donor for the first time!
2. Who can donate blood and its components?
In accordance with Article 26 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated November 30, 2010 “On the donation of blood and its components,” citizens of the Republic of Belarus are allowed to perform donor functions at the City Transfusiology Center of the health care institution “6th City Clinical Hospital” (hereinafter referred to as the Center) , and also foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing in the Republic of Belarus, aged from 18 to 65 years, with full legal capacity, without diseases, conditions and forms of risky behavior included in the list of diseases, conditions and forms of risky behavior for which donation contraindicated (temporarily, permanently), and (or) medical contraindications included in the list of medical contraindications for the use of assistive medical technologies in relation to the donor.
3. Where in Minsk can you donate blood?
You can sign up and donate blood by contacting health care institutions in Minsk that collect donor blood ( for the convenience of the donor, rational use of blood and its components, maximum provision of hospital healthcare organizations with components of donor blood, donors at the Center are accepted by appointment):
- City Center for Transfusiology of the health care institution "6th City Clinical Hospital"
220037, Minsk, Uralskaya str., 5, building 8, 2nd floor registration of blood donors and its components upon direct request (Monday-Friday - from 8:00 to 15:45). https://mcct.by

Registration of blood donors by phone (Monday to Friday from 12:00 to 15:45):
Registration of donors of blood components (plasma, platelets) by phone (Monday to Friday from 13:00 to 15:30):
- City Center for Transfusiology of State Health Care " Minsk Scientific and Practical Center for Surgery, Transplantology and Hematology" :
220087, Minsk, Semashko st., 8, building 2
Reception of blood donors and its components: Monday-Friday 8:00-11:00
Pre-registration (Monday-Friday – from 8:00 to 12:00; from 13:00 to 15:00) by phone: +375 17 277-20-17
- City Center for Transfusiology of the health care institution "City Clinical Hospital of Emergency Medical Care":
220024, Minsk, Leytenanta Kizhevatova str., 58, 1st floor, entrance from the street, room 4.
The city transfusiology center is open every day, except weekends and holidays.
Blood collection:
from 8:30 to 11:00 (by appointment).
Collection of blood components:
from 8:00 to 13:00 (strictly by appointment).
Sign up for donation by phone: +375 17 373-58-72 +375 17 287-00-12
from 9:00 to 12:00 and from 13:00 to 15:00 on weekdays.
4. What documents need to be provided?
In accordance with the requirements of the Decree of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus dated May 13, 2023 No. 80 “On the procedure for conducting a medical examination of a blood donor and (or) its components,” before the start of the medical examination, the donor provides the following documents:
- passport of a citizen of the Republic of Belarus or other identification document, military ID or conscript ID, if available (for those liable for military service before the first donation);
- an extract from medical documents issued by health care organizations at the place of residence (place of stay) of citizens, and in the presence of departmental health care organizations - at the place of work (study, service) - before the first donation, and subsequently - once every 12 months;
- results of examination by a gynecologist (for women) - before the first donation, and subsequently - once every 12 months;
- results of fluorographic (x-ray, computed tomography) examination of the chest organs - before the first donation, and subsequently - once every 12 months;
- data from an electrocardiographic study (for donors of blood components using the apheresis method), before the first donation of blood components, and subsequently - once every 12 months;
- photo 3x4 cm (before the first donation).
5. Who is contraindicated for donation (temporarily/permanently)?
The list approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus dated May 13, 2023 No. 80 “On the procedure for conducting a medical examination of a blood donor and (or) its components” can be found on the website of the City Center for Transfusiology of the health care institution “6th City Clinical Hospital” at the link : https://mcct.by/informatsiya-donoram/perechen-protivopokazanij-k-donorstvu
6. How to prepare for donating blood and its components?
When preparing to donate blood and its components, you must follow these simple rules:
- lead a healthy lifestyle, observe the rules of personal and public hygiene;
- avoid casual sexual intercourse, which may lead to sexually transmitted viral infections (viral hepatitis B, viral hepatitis C, other viral hepatitis with parenteral transmission, syphilis, HIV (AIDS));
- avoid cosmetic manipulations such as tattoos, piercings, implants, scarring, split tongue, etc. or refrain from performing donor functions for 6 months from the date of the last manipulation;
- do not come for donation if you have signs of illness (runny nose, cough, headache, sore throat, increased or decreased blood pressure), acute and (or) exacerbation of chronic diseases, while taking medications (including preventive purpose), as well as in a state of overfatigue (after excessive physical exertion, work at night, etc.);
- do not plan donation immediately before exams, competitions, during an intensive period of work, before working in hot shops and at night;
- the day before and on the day of donation, exclude fatty, fried, spicy, smoked foods, dairy products, eggs, butter, bananas, citrus fruits, and nuts from the diet;
- in the morning on the day of donation, have a “light” breakfast (sweet tea, jam, bread, crackers, dried cereals, boiled cereals, pasta in water without oil, steamed fish, juices, fruit drinks, compotes, mineral water, vegetables, fruits (except citrus fruits and bananas)). It is not recommended to undergo the donation procedure on an empty stomach;
- 10 days before donation, refrain from taking antibiotics, 5 days - salicylates and analgesics, two days - from drinking alcoholic, low-alcohol drinks and beer, two hours - from smoking;
- donors of blood and its components are strictly prohibited from using narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues, toxic or other intoxicating substances.
7. Administrative procedures (on issuing certificates):
The list of administrative procedures carried out by state bodies and other organizations upon applications from citizens, approved by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated April 26, 2010 No. 200 “On administrative procedures carried out by state bodies and other organizations upon applications from citizens” can be found on the website of the City Center for Transfusiology of a healthcare institution “6th City Clinical Hospital” at the link: https://mcct.by/informatsiya-donoram/administrativnye-protsedury-osushchestvlyaemye-gtst
8. What are the benefits, rights and guarantees provided to a donor awarded the badge of distinction of the Ministry of Health “Ganarov Donars of the Republic of Belarus”?
In accordance with Article 40 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus dated November 30, 2010 “On the donation of blood and its components,” a donor awarded the badge of distinction of the Ministry of Health “Ganarov Donars of the Republic of Belarus” is provided with the following benefits, rights and guarantees:
- a 25 percent discount on paid medical services in state health care organizations, with the exception of paid medical services, the tariffs for which are regulated by the Ministry of Health (in agreement with the Ministry of Antimonopoly Regulation and Trade);
- extraordinary medical care in state health care organizations, including those in which he was served before retirement, unless otherwise provided by law;
- extraordinary admission to social service institutions providing inpatient social services;
- priority admission to government agencies and other organizations, regardless of their form of ownership;
- extraordinary use of all types of communication services, cultural, educational and sports and recreational organizations, purchase of tickets for all types of transport, extraordinary servicing by retail trade and consumer services organizations;
- the use of labor leave (leave granted to military personnel, commanding officers and privates) in the summer or other convenient time, as well as the provision of short-term leave without pay during the calendar year (monetary allowance to military personnel, commanding and ranking personnel) lasting up to 14 calendar days days during the period agreed with the employer (the head of the paramilitary organization or his authorized person, commander (chief));
- increasing the pension upon reaching the generally established retirement age in accordance with the legislation on pension provision;
- other benefits, rights and guarantees in accordance with the law.
Donors awarded the badge of honor "Honorary Donor of the Republic of Belarus", the badge "Honorary Donor of the USSR", "Honorary Donor of the Red Cross Society of the BSSR" enjoy all the benefits, rights and guarantees provided to donors awarded the badge of distinction of the Ministry of Health "Ganarov Donar of the Republic of Belarus".