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- Puzzles of happiness by surgeon Konstantin Yugin
Puzzles of happiness by surgeon Konstantin Yugin
There are amazing, strong-willed people you can turn to for inspiration, motivation and positivity. The life path of a doctor - X-ray endovascular surgeon of the 1st City Clinical Hospital of Minsk, an exemplary family man and a happy father of nine children, Konstantin Yungin, is an excellent confirmation of this.

Go as deep as possible into what is interesting
Konstantin Vladimirovich does not think about whether the impossible is possible, but boldly and confidently goes through life from one set goal to another. First, it was important to decide on a profession.
Konstantin Yugin:
I am grateful to my grandfathers and mother for helping me find my calling. For me, the path to medicine began with a childhood fascination with dinosaurs. I have always gone as deep as possible into what interests me. It was important not just to collect a collection of figurines, but to study information about unusual living organisms,” says Konstantin Vladimirovich. “Then I became interested in ornithology. Scientific works and exciting expeditions taught us to get to the very essence of everything. Sport has also always been an integral part of life. And if you started practicing sambo and judo, you had to become a candidate master of sports...
Konstantin Vladimirovich began his career as a nurse in the 1st City Clinical Hospital, then became an emergency physician. What struck me most about working in the mobile team was the contrasts: from a patient with a minor domestic injury I had to rush to a person with a heart attack on the verge of life and death...
Konstantin Yugin:
For me, these were important periods that helped me move forward with a new store of knowledge and skills. For example, working as a nurse, I was very exhausted. In my opinion, it is important for every doctor to go through a similar stage. I have developed great respect for junior and nursing staff: from personal experience I know the volume of tasks nurses have to cope with.
Gradually, a desire arose to delve deeper into the topic of cardiology. Life circumstances also contributed to this interest. After two years of work, the young doctor was transferred to the cardiology mobile team.
Konstantin Yugin:
My movement into X-ray endovascular surgery was gradual: nurse, mobile ambulance team, cardiac team, then clinical residency in cardiology and, at the same time, the emergency room of our 1st hospital, where I already worked as a therapist. The teachers who shaped me as an operating surgeon were Alexey Mikhailovich Korotkin and Pavel Feliksovich Chernoglaz. They helped me take my first steps and grow professionally.
Konstantin Yugin speaks with pride about the angiography room. Over the past year, the team carried out 2,700 different interventions, of which about a thousand were high-tech.
For the traditional family and early marriages
All fragments of Konstantin Vladimirovich’s path, complementing each other, add up to one picture as complete as possible, in all spheres of current life.
While studying at BSMU, I managed not only to acquire a profession, but also to gain a spiritual foundation. The Quo vadis circle helped find answers to spiritual questions. Constantine began to go to church regularly. I made many believing friends. I met my future wife through my active participation in the youth brotherhood of St. Peter and Paul Cathedral. An attractive, educated girl who speaks several languages aroused admiration. And there was only one step left from him to love...
A man needs to be consistent in everything. This is the key to achievement. For me, medicine, religion and family became important areas in which I needed to move purposefully at certain points in my life...
Konstantin Yugin:
We knew Nastya for about four years. But at one moment I saw her with completely different eyes... My heart trembled - I began to court her, to win the hand of my chosen one. It is important to me that both my wife and I initially had the same values: we are for a traditional family and early marriages. This is the fullness of life in love and harmony, care and diversified development.
The simple secret of happiness from the Yungin family is to live joyfully and with gratitude for everything with God and look in the same direction in the main thing. Neither Konstantin nor his wife Anastasia, a graduate student at the Republican Institute of Higher Education, think that having many children is something special, much less some kind of feat. On the contrary, happy parents are convinced that this path should not be the exception, but the rule.
“Being a dad means not lying to your children.”
The Yungins still visit St. Peter and Paul Cathedral today. Anastasia teaches Sunday school here. On Sundays everyone comes together to the liturgy. Children regularly receive communion and confession, and when preparing for the sacraments, they analyze and try to correct their actions.
Konstantin Yugin:
If you guide them correctly and do not spoil older children, a favorable environment is created. The younger ones flow harmoniously into it. We have clear principles of education. For me, being a father means not lying to my children.
Hyperactivity and multitasking have long been a life credo for the Yungins. Anastasia manages to take care of more than just her family. She, as she wanted, was able to continue her education and teach. Of course, this is possible thanks to the full support of your beloved spouse. Arriving home, Konstantin actively gets involved in household chores. Together with his sons, he planted more than one tree at the dacha, built greenhouses and a house. With a smile, the father notes: a family construction team is working at the dacha.
“We have unlimited funds for education”
Children receive a focus on education and comprehensive development literally from the cradle. Everyone, except the kids, attends music school, hobby groups, and plays sports. The eldest, seventeen-year-old Kirill, is a student at the Radio Engineering College at BSUIR, a candidate for master of sports in pentathlon. He graduated from a music school in the accordion class, and now he is learning the guitar on his own. The younger ones are not far behind. After all, parents give everyone the opportunity to choose activities to their liking.
Konstantin Yugin:
For me, the main thing is that children are passionate about something. There is no limit on education in our family. It doesn’t matter how much it costs to study in a circle, what matters is that the child wants to study there. We need musical instruments - our parental task is to acquire them. “Everyone must have good sportswear and shoes,” the father of the family lists.
In a large family, boys and girls are taught to be independent. They study successfully, completing homework without the help of their parents. If something doesn’t work out, of course, you can turn to dad and mom. Parents' enormous efforts are aimed at ensuring that their children's attention is not focused on gadgets. Children start using touch phones from the age of 12. A few years earlier - push-button. For Konstantin and Anastasia Yungin, an important task is to raise comprehensively developed individuals who are able to think independently, strive to work fruitfully and create their own large, friendly and strong families. The couple tested this formula for happiness on themselves!