Rules of conduct in the heat


Summer is a great time to improve your health and strengthen your body,

traveling and meeting with friends.

But we must not forget about the dangers that await us at this long-awaited time. Human carelessness can lead to food poisoning that quickly spoils in the heat, accidents on water bodies, sunstroke and burns, as well as tick and snake bites. To avoid this, when going out into nature, you must carefully prepare:

  • buy sunscreen, glasses and insect repellents; 
  • drink more water; 
  • avoid drinking alcoholic beverages; 
  • do not take uncooked foods, eggs, dairy products and confectionery into nature; 
  • do not purchase products from unauthorized retail outlets; 
  • when purchasing food products, you need to pay attention to expiration dates and storage conditions; 
  • when going on a holiday in nature, it is important to remember that in hot weather it is not recommended to be in the open sun from 12:00 to 17:00; 
  • you can drink only bottled and boiled water; 
  • perishable products that you take with you must be kept in a cooler bag; 
  • you can wash vegetables, fruits and dishes only with bottled or boiled water, and it is better to do this at home immediately before the trip; 
  • when going to the beach or a body of water, remember that it should be well-maintained, equipped with sports and children's playgrounds, changing rooms, public toilets, and areas for separate waste collection; 
  • when visiting the beach, it is imperative to make sure that there are no restrictions on swimming for children and adults.

 You can get all the necessary information about the state of recreational areas, including in the event of a swimming restriction, on the website of the State Institution "Minsk City Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology"