We invite students in grades 9 and 11 to enter into a target agreement!


Our clinic invites students in grades 9 and 11 to enter into a target agreement and become part of our professional team!

❓What is a target agreement:

❗This is receiving education at the expense of an organization that has a need for personnel in a certain specialty. For this purpose, a tripartite agreement is concluded between the applicant, the organization and the educational institution. Thus, the employer has personnel who are interested in obtaining this specialty, and the applicant acquires the opportunity for free training and guaranteed employment after receiving education.

❓For what specialties can a contract be concluded:

  • “NURSING” – qualification Nurse (nurse)
  • “MEDICAL CARE” – qualification Paramedic-obstetrician

❓What is necessary to conclude an agreement:

✅ applicant’s passport

✅ certificate of secondary education

✅ for minors (date of birth no later than May 6, 2009) - passport of the legal representative

❓Whom to contact to conclude a target agreement:

+375 17 378 84 37 – head of HR department

+375 17 378 84 37 – chief nurse

Enter into a targeted agreement and get the opportunity to get to know the medical field from the inside, receive training from experienced specialists and unlock your potential in the world of healthcare.

Don't miss the chance to become part of our friendly team and start building your future today!