Prevention of acute intestinal infections


Acute intestinal infections (AII) are a group of infectious diseases caused by various microorganisms (bacteria, viruses), manifested by digestive disorders and symptoms of dehydration. AII are widespread throughout the world. Among all forms of infectious pathology registered annually throughout the world, the share of AII is about 20%.

In the Republic of Belarus, as in other countries of the European region, the etiological agents causing acute intestinal infections are pathogens of viral etiology (rota-, noro- and enteroviruses), which are the cause of about 60% of all identified cases of acute intestinal infections.

When is the risk of contracting acute intestinal infections highest?

OCIs occur at any time of the year: bacterial intestinal infections are most often recorded in the warm season; viral intestinal infections - in the cold season. Who is the source of infection in acute intestinal infections? The main source of acute intestinal infections is a sick person. The most dangerous is a healthy bacteria (virus) carrier and someone whose disease is latent. In certain infections (salmonellosis, escherichiosis, campylobacteriosis), the source of infection can also be sick animals and birds.

How does infection occur?

The pathogen enters the human body through the mouth, along with contaminated food, water, or through contaminated hands and environmental objects.

The most susceptible to OCI are:

  • children under 5 years of age. This is due to the low level of activity of protective factors. Immune defense factors in the gastrointestinal tract of children are formed by the age of 5;
  • elderly people;
  • persons with gastrointestinal diseases;
  • people with weakened immune systems and chronic diseases;
  • people who use drugs and suffer from alcoholism.

Is it possible to treat acute intestinal infections on your own?

If you suspect an acute intestinal infection, you should immediately contact an infectious disease specialist, therapist or pediatrician. In case of significant abdominal pain in children, you should call an ambulance to rule out surgical pathology.

Symptoms that require immediate medical attention:

  1. use water of guaranteed quality for drinking (from sources and drinking water supply systems, bottled water), if it is not available - boiled water. When going on a picnic or to the beach, you should take a supply of water with you not only for drinking, but also for washing your hands, rinsing your mouth after swimming and other hygiene procedures, washing berries, fruits, greens eaten raw;
  2. Do not swim outside of areas specially designated for this purpose. Refrain from swimming in areas where it is restricted by the results microbiological studies of water carried out by territorial bodies of state sanitary supervision;
  3. Do not purchase or consume food products purchased outside of designated retail locations. Avoid trying fruits and berries in markets and other places where there are no facilities for washing them;
  4. Observe hand hygiene rules. Be sure to wash your hands with soap and water (you can use disposable wet hygienic wipes for the skin) when they become dirty, including after using the toilet, returning home, before preparing and eating food, caring for children and the elderly;
  5. When going on a picnic, it is advisable to avoid: perishable foods (cream products, navy-style macaroni, jellied meats and other dishes that require low-temperature storage conditions) eating insufficiently heat-treated animal products (eggs, meat, fish and seafood); using water if you have doubts about its quality (in extreme cases, water should be boiled before use);
  6. follow basic rules of safe eating, including:
    1. maintain cleanliness, protect the kitchen and food from insects and rodents;
    2. when transporting and storing food products, use clean packaging (polyethylene, paper, food containers, etc.);
    3. choose fresh products without signs of spoilage, do not consume products with expired dates;
    4. observe temperature conditions for storing food products in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations;
    5. ensure separate storage of raw meat, poultry, fish and seafood from other ready-to-eat food products;
    6. for processing raw foods, use separate kitchen utensils and accessories (knives, cutting boards, etc.);
    7. thoroughly fry or boil foods, especially meat, poultry, eggs and seafood;
    8. when cooking, pay attention to the fact that the meat juice should be clear, and not pink (with an admixture of blood);
    9. vegetables, fruits, berries should be thoroughly washed under running tap water before consumption, and for small children, additionally rinse them with boiled water. Considering the possible contamination from the surface, you should refrain from purchasing cut (with damaged integrity) watermelons, melons and other fruits and berries, try them when buying;
    10. Do not leave cooked food at room temperature for more than 2 hours.

Following these simple rules will help prevent the occurrence of acute intestinal infection, maintain your health and the health of your family and friends.