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  • The city stage of the Open Championship of Intellectual Games for the Cup of the Belarusian Trade Union of Health Workers took place

The city stage of the Open Championship of Intellectual Games for the Cup of the Belarusian Trade Union of Health Workers took place


Employees of the 1st City Clinical Hospital took part in the city stage of the Open Championship of Intellectual Games for the Cup of the Belarusian Trade Union of Healthcare Workers.

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The tournament was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere in the capital's Orbita Hotel.

More than 200 health workers took part in the event. The championship among metropolitan doctors was held for the second time and, if previously it brought together young people under 31 years old, this year medical workers 35+ competed in knowledge. We express our gratitude to the organizers for an excellent event, which allowed us not only to compete in intellectual duels, but also to strengthen ties with colleagues from the medical community.

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Congratulations to the winners and thank everyone for their participation, contribution and energy. This day was full of positive emotions and new experiences for each member of the Vasilki team!