Meeting in the work team


Meeting in the work team


On January 30, two guest experts spoke at a meeting of the staff of the 1st City Clinical Hospital.

Alexander Vladimirovich Shchekovich, Chairman of the Minsk City Election Commission, Chairman of the Minsk City Association of Trade Union Organizations, discussed with the clinic staff current issues related to the conduct of elections of deputies on a single voting day and spoke about innovations and nuances of the electoral campaign.

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The second speaker, police colonel Aleksey Vladimirovich Chubarov, deputy head of the district department for ideological work and personnel support, spoke about the punishments provided for by the Code of the Republic of Belarus on administrative violations for participation in unauthorized events, their organization, as well as disobedience to the legal requirements of officials during execution their official powers. In addition, Alexey Vladimirovich touched upon the topics of liability for drug trafficking, fraud and other types of offenses.

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