What can make breastfeeding difficult?

Author: neonatologist (head) of the department for newborn children O.K. Bagdasarova, highest qualification category

Breast milk is a miracle of nature! Breast milk has always been and will be the best nutrition for your baby. It is best created to meet the special needs of the baby, the ideal foundation for health. Contains an optimal amount of high-quality protein, has unique immunomodulatory and protective properties, is easily digestible, hypoallergenic, and forms food tolerance. Breast milk strengthens the bond between mother and child, speeds up recovery after childbirth, reduces the risk of breast and ovarian cancer, saves the family money, is always available, has the right temperature, and is absolutely hygienic.

The mother is quickly discharged home with the baby. What can make breastfeeding difficult? There are several possible causes on the maternal side: cracked nipples, lactostasis, hypogalactia, acute illness.

Let's dwell a little on each.

Cracked nipples - for prevention it is necessary to properly

baby to the breast. When feeding, it should grasp the nipple and the areola. Change the position of the baby's lower lip in relation to the nipple. Do not take the baby off the breast abruptly, so that the baby can easily let go of the breast; insert your index finger between the corner of the baby’s mouth and the nipple. You can use nipple care creams: Purelan, Lanolin. They have a natural composition and do not require rinsing before each feeding. Between feedings, give your nipples air baths and use disposable sanitary pads for your bra.

Lactostasis is stagnation of milk in the breast. Induration, soreness, redness of the skin of the breast appear, and there may be an increase in body temperature. It can occur due to infrequent and incorrect attachment to the breast, incorrect position of the child during feeding and his restless state during sucking. When feeding, you should not press part of the breast with your finger; you just need to support the breast with your palm from below. Any prolonged pressure impairs milk flow. Stress or excessive physical activity of the mother are additional factors that provoke lactostasis. Before feeding, relax and calm down, take a shower, massage the mammary glands in a spiral, choose a comfortable position for feeding. The child's chin should be directed towards the seal. Do not forget that if you have lactostasis, you should not stop feeding your baby. Therapeutic and preventive (not complete!) pumping is important. Pay special attention to your drinking regime. During the period of lactation, with active milk supply, the volume of liquid drunk is limited to 1-1.5 liters. It is important to avoid warm compresses.

Hypogalakia - mother has little milk. Reliable signs: small weight gain (less than 15-20 g per day), rare urination, results of control weighing (the baby sucks less than normal from the breast per day). This is often due to lactation crises (hormonal features of the regulation of lactation). To stimulate lactation, put the baby to the breast more often; night feedings stimulate the secretion of the hormone prolactin, which regulates the production of breast milk. Don't use pacifiers. Maintain a proper routine with adequate sleep and rest. Attach your baby to one and the other breast at one feeding. Use specialized dry milk products for nursing mothers as your supplementary nutrition. Optimal drinking regime is important. Drink milk teas. Do not supplement your baby with formula until you have used all the reserves for stimulating milk secretion. The final decision on the need for supplementary feeding is made by the doctor.

Acute maternal illness - be sure to consult with your pediatrician about the possibility of continuing breastfeeding if you are sick. In most cases, during acute illnesses, the mother can continue to feed the child, because The baby receives protective antibodies through breast milk. But at the same time, it is advisable to entrust child care to a healthy family member. If a nursing woman is taking medications, it is necessary to consult a specialist regarding the compatibility of these medications with breastfeeding.

Let's summarize: the main advice on breastfeeding is your desire and mood to breastfeed your baby. And you will definitely succeed!

Neonatologist of the department for newborn children O.K. Bagdasarova, highest qualification category