On the issue of partnership in childbirth. Doulas are a help...


A doula is a woman who provides support (emotional, psychological, informational) during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. She can create comfortable conditions, perform a massage or do breathing exercises with the woman in labor.

In most maternity hospitals in Belarus, according to the rules of partner childbirth , they will not be able to enter the delivery room.

Officially, there is no such profession in our country, therefore, confirmation of qualifications is not required. However, there is a practice of training doulas and obtaining the appropriate certificate: upon training as a doula; for membership in large professional doula communities .

Doula services, depending on qualifications and region, can vary significantly in cost. In Russia prices are 530-700 dollars in Moscow. In Ukraine – 300 – 765 dollars. As evidenced by figures on women's forums, in Belarus prices for doula services can reach up to $700.

During childbirth, the doula has no right to interfere with labor and medical procedures; check the dilation of the cervix, listen to the fetal heartbeat, measure blood pressure, etc.; make decisions for the woman in labor; promote some special method of childbirth.

Each doula has her own set of assistance, which is discussed with women in labor in advance.

When turning to doulas, it is important to realize that they do not bear any legal responsibility for the course and outcome of labor.

Clearly decide whether, during the period of preparation for childbirth and the very moment of childbirth, you want to be among loved ones, receive the support of professionals, or be close to a woman whose training consists of training in courses and experience of her own childbirth.