ARVI during pregnancy


ARVI during pregnancy

Unfortunately, sometimes it happens that during pregnancy the expectant mother herself may catch a cold and get sick. A runny nose, cough, as well as a sharp sore throat - all these are symptoms of ARVI , which we have known since childhood , which, by the way, must be treated in a timely manner.

It must be said, however, that in order to be able to correctly and naturally effectively carry out the usual treatment of a cold or even the flu during pregnancy, you should first find out exactly how to recognize ARVI . And besides, let’s note how dangerous this seemingly simple disease is, and only then consider many of the methods of treating it that are popular in the modern world.

First, let's start with the usual definition of ARVI. What is hidden behind this abbreviation?

ARVI - this concept is deciphered as follows - it is an acute respiratory viral infectious disease. That is, we can say that this is a disease caused primarily by the entry of a specific virus into the human body. This disease manifests itself primarily as complete congestion of the nose and even throat, and subsequently may manifest itself as a cough, possibly even with an increase in body temperature, and weakness in all muscles. And the most unpleasant thing for us is that such viruses can lie in wait for us literally anywhere. Viruses are especially rampant in the cold season, which is perhaps why all preventive measures are recommended to be carried out in advance. So literally, just hearing that a new “wave” of some acute respiratory infections or even the flu is approaching near you, try to wash your hands as often as possible, and apply the famous oxolinic ointment directly under your nose, and of course try to avoid places with large crowds of people. At home, try to ventilate the room, do wet cleaning as often as possible, and in those unpleasant cases when someone in your family is already sick, try to minimize all contacts with the sick person.

And how can such a disease as ARVI be dangerous for the pregnant woman and the fetus?

It must be said that depending on the timing of pregnancy, and the degree of influence of such a viral infection directly on the mother’s body and, of course, the development of the fetus will be completely different. So, directly in the very first days or weeks of pregnancy, such a disease can even lead to an extremely unpleasant spontaneous miscarriage. And let’s say during the first twelve weeks, when the embryo begins to lay down and form all the main systems and organs of your unborn child. And, of course, ARVI can have an extremely negative impact on the very process of organ formation but also cause real developmental defects. But just before birth, this seemingly simple disease is dangerous, first of all, because your baby may already be born with ARVI symptoms. And this, in turn, means that he may be born extremely weakened and not entirely healthy. It must be said that during the remaining periods of pregnancy, this disease is still not considered too dangerous, but this does not mean that it could not be treated on time.

How to properly treat this disease that affects a woman during pregnancy?

As we have already said, adequate treatment, which should best be carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor, must occur without fail. But the methods and methods of such treatment will directly depend on the degree of the disease itself. It should, however, be noted that some nuances that will relate specifically to the state of pregnancy should definitely be taken into account.

So, if you accidentally become ill with ARVI while already pregnant, then the very first thing that would be advisable to do is to visit or call your local doctor at home. After all, independent treatment is categorically not recommended during pregnancy, since not all drugs can be taken by pregnant women, even from the series of so-called traditional medicine. However, it will, of course, be possible to help your not always strong body speed up the active healing process. Which of the methods can be considered the most popular and, of course, the most effective, and most importantly the safest for both the mother and her unborn child - we will now consider this.

Proper treatment of a runny nose during pregnancy

So, during the usual nasal congestion, the expectant mother herself becomes extremely difficult to breathe, which, as a rule, can not only cause a lot of unpleasant sensations for the pregnant woman, but also contributes to the blocking of oxygen to the unborn child. And that is why a runny nose will need to be treated first. But a solution of salted water is perfect for this; you will need to bury it in your nose 3 or even 4 times a day. It is possible to even buy such a ready-made solution at any pharmacy, but if this is not a real possibility, then prepare it yourself. To do this, you need to dissolve one teaspoon of salt in half a glass of fairly warm and clean water. Next, using a regular pipette, you can instill the nose. It is also possible to actively rinse the nose with the same salt water but using a syringe. In addition, inhaling various essential oils is considered extremely effective. Most often it is recommended to use oils such as eucalyptus, sage, or orange oils. But among ready-made medicines for the common cold, doctors usually recommend such drugs as Pinosol, Aqua Maris or Sinupret to expectant mothers. After all, these medicines are made on the basis of the safest and absolutely natural ingredients.

Treatment of sore throat

Usually, for a sore throat, an excellent remedy that can relieve the condition is simple warm milk with the addition of a spoon of honey. Simple rinses can also help quickly get rid of acute inflammation in the larynx. To do this, you need to dissolve one teaspoon of baking soda and salt in a glass of warm water and gargle with this solution. In addition, for such rinses one could use decoctions of chamomile, or sage, sometimes mint, or calendula flowers. From ready-made pharmaceutical preparations, it is possible to use the famous lollipops with honey or lemon. An extremely important point when you have a cold is always the fact that your feet should always be kept warm, for example, in warm or woolen socks. But it is strictly not recommended to hover your legs during pregnancy.

Cough treatment

When coughing, the most effective of all known methods are inhalations, which are familiar to many. It is inhalations that usually help to increase expectoration, which actually speeds up the healing process. But for this it is customary to use inhalers with a few drops of essential oils of herbs such as sage and eucalyptus. Usually, when there is no inhaler, these essential oils will need to be dripped into an aroma lamp, which is installed in the room where the patient herself is located. If there is no aroma lamp in the house, then all inhalations can be carried out simply over a saucepan, as our grandmothers did. All of the above herbs or just a few potato tubers are usually steamed in a saucepan. Immediately after inhalation, you should be as warm as possible, cover yourself, immediately go to bed and rest peacefully.


But when body temperature rises above 38 degrees, doctors strongly recommend so-called vinegar rubbing and even lotions. Ingoda there are times when it is necessary to take drugs based on paracetamol. But until the temperature rises to 38 degrees, it is not recommended to bring it down. In addition, linden or, if desired, raspberry tea can increase sweating, which will naturally help reduce the temperature.

Also, in order to remove the virus that has entered the body as quickly as possible, it is necessary to drink as much and as warmly as possible. So you can make yourself tea with honey or lemon, and it’s best if it’s green. In addition, drinks such as cranberry juice, as well as linden or chamomile infusions, or tea with the addition of raspberry jam, and simply brewed rose hips are considered excellent means for removing an unpleasant virus from the body. Also, if you have a cold, it is strongly recommended to take regular vitamin C. However, it is worth saying that pregnant women who have already experienced swelling, as well as those expectant mothers who have had an allergic reaction specifically to vitamin C, should, of course, follow with extreme caution similar advice. And, of course, in any case, it would be best to consult your doctor in advance.

And believe me, guided by these recommendations, it will not be too difficult for you to overcome a disease such as ARVI. Therefore, already armed with these tips, you will be able to speed up your recovery process. However, the best thing for you is not to get sick at all, which is what I wish for you from my very heart and soul!

Prepared by the doctor of the obstetrics and observation department 
Titova N.D.