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Tick-borne infections
The long-awaited summer has arrived ! Some go to relax in the countryside, at the dacha, while others go to a summer health camp, where exciting walks through the forest, swimming in a river or lake, sunbathing, sports games, fun around the fire, watching the sunrise, etc. await them .
The population does not even realize what a large group of viruses circulating in natural foci can be transmitted by tick vectors. In the Republic of Belarus, more than 1000 cases of tick-borne borreliosis (Lyme disease) and up to 100 cases of tick-borne encephalitis have been registered annually over the past 10 years. Against the backdrop of high numbers of ticks in natural foci, in recent years there has been an annual registration of people who contacted health care organizations about tick bites. According to operational monitoring data, in 2015, 36,675 people suffered from tick bites, incl. 11220 children. The most unfavorable period for infection rates is from June to August.
But it is almost impossible to destroy ticks even in a single region, because they are very tenacious, quickly move to a place that is “safe” for them and actively reproduce.
In order to protect yourself from tick attacks and not spoil your summer vacation, you need to have an understanding of ticks, their habits, characteristics, and, if necessary, know what to do and how to get rid of attached ticks.
Ticks are most often found in mixed forests, in thickets of alder, hazel, raspberry, as well as in clearings and forest edges with bushes. They can live in damp meadows with high grass, especially along rivers and lakes. These small arthropods feed on the blood of animals, sticking to their skin from several minutes to several days. During this time, their body increases greatly in size. Ticks do not fly or jump. They wait for their prey, swinging on the branches of bushes and tall blades of grass. When an animal passes, brushing against branches and grass, the ticks attach to it. Ticks attach and also spread to humans when they enter their natural habitats.
Not every tick, but only 5 - 8% of them are infected with the pathogen. However, measures should be taken in time to prevent the disease.
It is necessary to take care of clothing for walks in the forest, going for berries, in order to reduce the possibility of ticks crawling under it.
To properly equip yourself for such walks, you need to:
- trousers were tucked into boots, knee socks or socks with a thick elastic band;
- the shirt and jacket were tucked into the trousers, and the sleeve cuffs fit tightly to the arm;
- It is desirable that shirts and trousers do not have fasteners, or have zippers, under which ticks cannot crawl;
- hair should be tucked under a hat or scarf, or even better, cover your head with a hood.

When visiting the forest, move along the middle of the forest road, trying not to touch the branches and grass hanging over it.
It is not recommended to climb into bushes (raspberry, alder, hazel, etc.) unless absolutely necessary.
Do not go into tall grass.
You should choose the right place for relaxation and a picnic. In the forest, on the shore of a reservoir, dry open glades, well warmed by the sun, with sandy soil or areas devoid of herbaceous vegetation are preferred.
Conduct regular self- and mutual examinations of clothing and skin, every 1-2 hours while walking in the forest. We must remember that ticks attach to clothing and always crawl upward. Ticks are more visible on plain clothes .
Returning from the forest, be sure to:
- inspectall clothing and body for the presence of crawling or attached ticks;
- comb your hair with a thick comb;
- examine the things brought from the forest.

If during or after a trip to the forest or at another time a tick still attaches itself, it should be removed as quickly as possible. The longer it remains in the attached state, the greater the likelihood of infecting a person.
It is best to remove a tick in a medical facility - in a traumatology or surgical office.

After removing the tick, the skin at the site of its attachment is treated with 70% alcohol or another antiseptic.
When removing a tick, you should not use oils or fatty creams, which clog its respiratory openings and provoke an additional release of pathogens into the human blood.
What to do after removing a tick?
After removal, the doctor must prescribe preventive treatment, which must be taken strictly according to the regimen.
If signs of the disease appear (erythema migrans, arthralgia, headaches, fever of unknown etiology, etc.), you must immediately consult a doctor and remind him of the tick bite that has occurred over the past month.
Compliance with the recommendations outlined will make your summer vacation safe, joyful, useful and memorable!
Information material was prepared by: epidemiologist of the 1st City Clinical Hospital, S.P. Molodykh.