Prevention of alcoholism

Alcoholism is a dangerous disease associated with a physical and mental craving for drinking alcohol. Numerous examples of alcohol degradation of the population can be seen not only from media reports - these examples literally surround any person, regardless of the characteristics of their living environment.

Among “ordinary” people, an amazing belief has become stronger that alcoholism is the lot of homeless people and degenerate individuals, although everyday drunkenness in various stages is common to almost all social strata. Even with the most obvious signs of advanced alcoholism, it is customary not to recognize it and not limit it: they drink in groups and alone, hide alcohol from their families, and hide their binges under plausible pretexts. For some reason, it is believed that help in the form of Alcoholics Anonymous organizations or medical coding of alcoholism is a sign of weakness of character and interference in personal life. Meanwhile, the alcoholic tsunami is growing, spreading out in waves, capturing everyone in its path. Stress and self-doubt provoke you to “relax,” but this only brings with it a new round of problems – physical and moral. But the result of such a “turbulent and beautiful life” most often is alcoholism, loneliness, death.

The task of preventing alcoholism

Prevention of alcoholism refers to methods that are aimed at developing a negative attitude towards alcohol. The main task is to form a lifestyle in a person in which he will not have a craving for alcohol. There are three stages of alcoholism prevention.

Primary prevention of alcoholism

Primary prevention is aimed at preventing the onset of alcoholism. Such events are usually aimed at telling people about the harmful effects of alcohol. So that as a result, a person can develop an alternative life in which alcohol will not play any role. After all, it has been proven that the best method of preventing alcoholism is to form the consciousness of a person’s personality so that alcohol is no longer a value in life.

The consequences of alcoholism are terrifying: broken families, crippled lives, disabled children, increased criminal activity due to drunkenness, and much more. Diseases that come with the inability to cope with alcohol cravings are rectal cancer, neuroses, gastrointestinal problems, alcoholic hepatitis and pancreatitis, cirrhosis, mental and genetic diseases...

In addition, we must remember that “a little” does not count. Usually, the craving for alcohol is not limited to beer: cocktails, wine, fortified wine, liqueurs, vodka, cognac - these “noble” drinks do not have to wait long for their turn.

Secondary prevention of alcoholism

Secondary prevention is aimed at treating patients with alcoholism. This program includes work with the patient’s family, meetings with former alcoholics, interviews and extensive socio-psychological assistance.

Alcoholism is insidious in that its effect on a person is strictly individual: the habit of ethyl alcohol develops under the influence of a whole complex of factors. This is a hereditary predisposition, and the influence of one’s own social group with its opinions and traditions, and mental imbalance, etc. It has been noted that female alcoholism is less common than male alcoholism, but the disease occurs with more negative consequences. And, what is important, alcoholism in the later stages is practically incurable - akin to drug addiction and substance abuse. And how many people want to be treated for it? Meanwhile, the transition from one stage to the next is identified in a complex way, and the patient, believing that he can always stop, often misses the “point of return.”

Tertiary prevention of alcoholism

Tertiary prevention is aimed at helping people recovering from alcoholism. This program includes psychological counseling and visits to Alcoholics Anonymous.

The effect of alcohol on humans

Alcohol has a great influence on people's lifestyles. Persons who abuse alcohol are 1.8-2 times more likely to experience injuries at work and at home; they are often the perpetrators of antisocial acts. Approximately 76% of acts of petty hooliganism, 82% of criminal offenses, more than half of hooligan acts and cases of unmotivated cruelty are committed annually while intoxicated. Alcohol abuse is one of the common causes of divorce, congenital deformities, adultery and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.

Alcoholism is a form of substance abuse, characterized by an addiction to the use of substances containing ethyl alcohol, the development of mental and physical dependence, withdrawal syndrome, mental, physical and social degradation of the individual. Like any other disease, alcoholism does not arise suddenly, but has its own preclinical manifestations - everyday drunkenness.

Casual drunkenness and habitual alcohol abuse are always a violation of social and ethical rules by an individual. As a result, administrative, legal and educational measures are of decisive importance in the prevention of drunkenness. Unlike drunkenness, alcoholism is a disease that always requires the use of active medical measures and a set of treatment and rehabilitation measures.

Negative effects of alcohol on human organs and systems:

The brain is the most active consumer of energy. The negative effect of alcohol on the brain is associated with impaired access of oxygen to neurons as a result of alcohol intoxication. Alcoholic dementia, which develops with long-term alcohol consumption, is the result of the death of brain cells.

The harmful effects of alcohol affect all systems of the human body (nervous, circulatory, digestive). The harmful role of alcoholism in the development of acute and chronic diseases has now been proven.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system occupy a leading place in the structure of population mortality. Under the influence of alcohol, the heart muscle is affected, which leads to serious illness and death. Alcohol abuse contributes to the development and progression of hypertension, coronary heart disease, and is often the direct cause of heart attacks.

Diseases of the external respiratory system. Breathing is synonymous with life. This is inhalation and exhalation, which alternate regularly. In patients suffering from the 1st stage of chronic alcoholism, there is some stimulation of the function of external respiration: the minute volume of respiration increases, breathing becomes more frequent. As the disease progresses, breathing worsens, and various diseases may occur (chronic bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, emphysema, tuberculosis). Alcohol is often combined with tobacco. With simultaneous exposure to these two poisons, their harmful effects increase even more.

Gastrointestinal pathology. Patients with chronic alcoholism often complain of disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, since the gastric mucosa is the first to perceive the toxic effects of alcohol. When examined, they are diagnosed with gastritis, peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.

The liver occupies a special position among the organs of the digestive system. This is the main “chemical laboratory” of the body, which performs an antitoxic function and is involved in almost all types of metabolism: protein, fat, carbohydrate, water. Under the influence of alcohol, liver functions are impaired, which can lead to cirrhosis (degeneration) of the liver.

Kidneys. In most patients with alcoholism, the excretory function of the kidneys is impaired. Malfunctions occur in the functioning of the entire hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system, therefore, the regulation of kidney activity is disrupted. Alcohol has a detrimental effect on the delicate renal epithelium (the protective tissue lining the inner surface of the hollow organs), which significantly disrupts the functioning of the kidneys.

Psychical deviations. With alcoholism, a wide variety of mental abnormalities are detected - hallucinations, numbness of body parts, muscle cramps, sometimes severe weakness in the limbs (“cotton legs”). Paralysis of individual muscle groups, mainly the lower extremities, often develops. These symptoms may go away with abstinence from alcohol.

Immune system disorders. Alcohol has a detrimental effect on the human immune system, disrupts hematopoietic processes, reduces the production of lymphocytes, and contributes to the development of allergies.

The endocrine glands , primarily the sex glands, experience the harmful effects of alcohol. There is a decrease in sexual function, functional disorders of the central nervous system (neuroses, reactive depression, etc.). In women under the influence of alcohol, menstruation stops early, the ability to bear children is reduced, and pregnancy toxicosis is more common.

Muscles and skin. Chronic alcohol consumption often leads to weakening and wasting of muscles. Poor nutrition is another possible cause of muscular dystrophy. Skin lesions are the result of the direct effects of alcohol, liver dysfunction and poor nutrition.

Delirium tremens is the most severe form of alcohol intoxication. It has a mortality rate of 1-2% even with intensive drug treatment, and without treatment the mortality rate can reach 20%. Delirium tremens is characterized by hallucinations, confusion and disorientation; This may include trembling, agitation, rapid pulse, high blood pressure and fever.

Lifespan. Systematic alcohol consumption leads to premature aging and disability; The life expectancy of people prone to drunkenness is 15-20 years shorter than the statistical average.

Beer alcoholism

Beer contains a dose of alcohol sufficient both for the development of alcoholism and for its toxic effects on the body - primarily the heart, liver and brain suffer from this.

Features of “beer” alcoholism are as follows:

  1. drinking beer causes a milder degree of intoxication, which contributes to its more frequent consumption and is the first stage in the transition to the consumption of stronger alcoholic beverages;
  2. the formation of alcohol dependence occurs not so much slowly as it is imperceptible and deceptive;
  3. the higher the alcohol content in beer and the larger the volume dru
  4. Abuse of beer does not cause such a negative attitude as abuse of alcoholic beverages, and therefore is often considered by others as acceptable behavior;
  5. the availability of beer for minors, including economic availability, leads to the rapid development of alcoholism among them.

Beer consumption by children and youth contributes to the development of:

  • beer abuse and chronic “beer” alcoholism”;
  • liver cirrhosis, chronic inflammation of the pancreas;
  • breast cancer in girls, prostate cancer in men;
  • infertility in women and impotence in men;
  • high blood pressure and cerebral hemorrhages;
  • rhythm disturbances and dilation of the heart chambers (“beer heart”);
  • metabolic disorders (obesity of the so-called “beer type”).


As with any other disease, it is necessary to prevent alcoholism. It is better to prevent alcoholism than to face it as a result of a life crisis.

The health of the younger generation is the health of the future of our nation, and therefore sober youth make Belarus stronger.

Information material was prepared by:valeologist of the 1st City Clinical Hospital Zhuravel L.V.