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- About fluorography. Tuberculosis is curable if detected early
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- About fluorography. Tuberculosis is curable if detected early
About fluorography. Tuberculosis is curable if detected early
About fluorography. Tuberculosis is curable if detected early

Fluorography is a screening method of mass X-ray examination of the population for the purpose of early detection of those lung diseases that in the initial stages proceed latently, without complaints. These are primarily tuberculosis and lung cancer.
From ancient times to our time, pulmonary tuberculosis has been one of the important and complex problems of medicine. Every year, 8 million people get sick in the world, and about 2 million people die. The disease spares neither children nor the elderly, neither rich nor poor.
Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by Koch's bacillus. The main route of transmission of infection is airborne droplets. When talking loudly, coughing, or sneezing, a person with tuberculosis can spread the pathogen at a distance of up to 5 meters. In a closed room, the microbe can persist for up to 2 hours, in dried sputum on a scarf, clothing, household items, dishes, or on the floor - for several months. And if we take into account the amazing vitality of the Koch bacillus, which can withstand even sub-zero temperatures, it is not difficult to imagine how dangerous people with open form of tuberculosis - bacilli excretors - are to others. Each such bacilli-transmitting agent can infect more than 10 people over the course of a year.
Most often, Koch's bacillus first enters the body in childhood and adolescence. But the disease does not always develop, and the pathogen remains in the body in an inactive state. Re-infection is not necessary for an adult to become ill. A sufficient decrease in immunity and dormant Koch bacilli in the body for many years can cause disease. Anything that contributes to a decrease in immunity leads to the growth of tuberculosis. This includes poor nutrition, frequent stressful situations, alcoholism, smoking, unfavorable social conditions, etc.
In recent years, there has been an increase in drug-resistant tuberculosis in all countries.
X-ray fluorography examination is a reliable way of early detection of tuberculosis and other latent lung diseases.
Every year the situation with lung tumors, which rank 1st among all tumor diseases, becomes more and more alarming. Their growth is noted from year to year. One of the reasons for this is smoking, including passive smoking, dust, and gas pollution. Cases of identifying advanced forms have become more frequent, when it is already difficult to help the patient.
In addition, fluorography reveals other pathologies: heart disease, pneumonia, chronic lung diseases. And its detection is 20 times higher than tuberculosis and tumors.
Fluorography is a “reliable guard” for the early detection of diseases of the chest organs.
Currently, the fluorographic service in Minsk has been completely modernized - this is the introduction of the Telemedicine program and the complete replacement of obsolete film fluorographic devices with digital Pulmoscans, which ensures a reliable diagnosis; the ability to archive and compare patient images over different years; the ability to send information through telecommunication networks and, most importantly, reduce the patient’s radiation dose by many times. The radiation dose on modern digital Pulmoscans does not exceed the dose received during a day of sunbathing on the beach.
People are the main value of our country. The cherished desire of every person is not to get sick, and even if you get sick, to recover quickly.
Passing an annual fluorographic examination should become mandatory in the minds of every person. Take care of your health! Put on one side of the scale the theoretical risk of minimal possible consequences from radiation exposure during fluorography, and on the other - the real risk of an advanced form of tuberculosis or tumor and the suffering associated with it. What will outweigh?
The information material was prepared by
a physician-therapist at health center 1 of the City Clinical Hospital Sokol I.N.
according to the data of the 1st city anti-tuberculosis dispensary.