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- Paid services
- Payment Methods
Payment Methods

You can pay for the services of the Healthcare Institution “1st City Clinical Hospital” through the “Calculation” system (ERIP) in any place convenient for you, at a time convenient for you, at a banking service point convenient for you
- Internet banking,
- using mobile banking,
- information kiosk,
- bank cash desk,
- etc.
Payment can be made using cash, electronic money and bank payment cards at banking service points of banks that provide payment acceptance services, as well as through remote banking tools.
- Choose
- Item “System “Calculation” (ERIP)
- Minsk
- Social services, Healthcare
- Hospitals
- 1st city clinical hospital
- To pay for the service, enter the contract number.
Regarding the conclusion of an agreement for paid medical services, you can contact the cash desk of the health care institution "1st City Clinical Hospital" on the next working day with an identification document and a card check from the "Calculation" system (ERIP) .
Opening hours of the paid services office (main therapeutic building, 1st floor, room No. 100): weekdays 8.00 - 18.00, 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month 9.00 - 14.00.
3. Enter the patient's initials in the Last Name and First Name field .
4. Enter the payment amount. If the amount is not indicated, you can clarify the cost of the medical service you are interested in by calling +375 17 322-65-59 , +375 29 835-15-42 on weekdays 8.00 - 18.00, 2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month 9.00 - 14.00 or at the branch according to the price list.
5. Check the information is correct.
6. Make a payment.
Attention:If you make a payment at a bank cash desk, please inform the cashier about the need to make the payment through the “Raschet” (ERIP) system.
Support for working with the Calculation system (ERIP) is provided by the Hutki Grosh Service ( https://www.hutkigrosh.by/ ).
PUBLIC AGREEMENT for the provision of paid medical services