Youth Council

Regulations on the Youth Council of the Healthcare Institution “1st City Clinical Hospital” in Minsk

of the Healthcare Institution “1st City Clinical Hospital” in Minsk

1. General Provisions:

The Youth Council of the Healthcare Institution “1st City Clinical Hospital” (hereinafter referred to as the Council) is created for the practical implementation of the Concept of youth policy, attracting youth to active trade union activities, studying and disseminating experience in working with youth, and preparing appropriate recommendations in this area of ​​activity.

The Council in its practical activities is guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, the Law “On Trade Unions”, other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus, the Charter and resolutions of the primary trade union organization of the Healthcare Institution “1st City Clinical Hospital” of Minsk, the Concept of the youth policy of the institution and this Regulations.

The composition of the Council is formed from representatives of active youth of the health care institution “1st City Clinical Hospital” under the age of 35.

The activities of the Council are managed by the Chairman of the Council, and in the absence of the Chairman, on his behalf, by the Deputy Chairman of the Council.

The Chairman and Deputy Chairman(s) of the Council are elected at a meeting of the Council and carry out their work on a voluntary basis.

The Youth Council works under the leadership of the trade union committee according to the plan approved by it and reports to it on the work done. Meetings of the Youth Council are held as needed, at least once a quarter

The main areas of work of the Youth Council:

  • Protection of the rights and legitimate interests of young people in the field of work, life and recreation;
  • Social adaptation of youth in their first job, modern vocational training and retention of youth in the hospital, development of youth initiative;
  • Increasing the creative potential of young people and their professional skills;
  • Creating conditions for the comprehensive development of youth, increasing labor and social activity;
  • Carrying out cultural, educational and sports events that promote the acquisition of legal, aesthetic, and environmental knowledge by young citizens;
  • Providing assistance to young people who find themselves in particularly unfavorable conditions due to their health conditions, disabled people;
  • Promoting the development of constructive youth public organizations;
  • Support for talented youth;
  • Prevention of delinquency and crime among youth;
  • Working with the media for the effective implementation of state youth policy;
  • Promoting a healthy lifestyle, playing sports;
  • Work on motivating trade union membership and involving working youth in trade union membership.