The Belarusian Trade Union of Health Workers has created a Fund for the Protection of Health Workers


The corresponding Regulations, which define the grounds, conditions, procedure for calculating and the amount of one-time payments from this Fund, were developed by the industry trade union and approved at a meeting of the presidium of the Republican Committee of the BPZ.

The Fund for the Protection of Healthcare Workers in Cases of Occupational Risks was created for the purpose of social protection and material support for healthcare workers, regardless of their form of ownership, who are members of the Belarusian Trade Union of Healthcare Workers, who have suffered from unlawful actions of others during the performance of their official duties, as well as providing medical care in conditions of professional risks.

Also, to ensure the representation and protection of the rights and interests of workers who have made professional errors, resulting in harm to the life or health of the patient, not related to the careless or negligent performance of their official duties, the Regulations spell out the procedure and amount for providing lump sum payments and indicate cases when such payments are not made. For example, if harm to the life and health of a patient is caused as a result of alcohol, drug or toxic intoxication of a healthcare worker.

The size of the lump sum payment is set in the range from 300 rubles, if a healthcare worker received an injury that is not classified as serious, and up to a maximum of 5 thousand rubles - in the event of the death of the worker.

The full text of the Regulations on the Fund for the Protection of Healthcare Workers in Cases of Occupational Risks can be found here.