"Mothers Day"


Mother's Day is one of the most important, most touching holidays on our planet and occupies a special place among other holidays. After all, this bright holiday is a wonderful occasion to once again say the most tender words to all Moms, to thank them for their love and support, patience and kindness.

The trade union committee of the healthcare institution “1st City Clinical Hospital” supports the traditions of caring for women and reinforces family principles. Mothers of many children and mothers raising disabled children received financial assistance totaling 1,280 rubles from the trade union budget. And all those who have a mother simply congratulated their mothers: whether with a phone call, a postcard, flowers - everyone decides for himself.

In addition, the trade union committee organized a children's drawing competition “My Family”. The drawings were made with pencils, paints, ink, and gouache with such love and warmth! The drawings turned out to be very diverse, bright and colorful. They decorated our stand in the lobby of the main building. And the bright colors made everyone feel warmer and calmer in their souls. All competition participants and their wonderful mothers will be awarded tickets to the circus.

We congratulate all mothers on the holiday and wish that your children repay you with the same great love, affection, affection and care that you gave them without a trace! I wish you good health, long life, joy and pride in your children!
