
This opinion was expressed by the chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus at the presidium of the FPB Council, which was attended by leaders of industry trade unions and representatives of regional associations.


“The idea of ​​giving constitutional status to the All-Belarusian People's Assembly was discussed during the preparation for the Referendum. And we saw, for example, on the same dialogue platforms that people support such an initiative. After all, the VNS is a unique example of democracy. Essentially speaking, this is real democracy, when a working person can directly decide the most important issues for the country.

Already today we are being asked how the nomination of representatives of labor collectives to the assembly will proceed, what powers they will have, and how they will be able to raise their issues. This is a keen interest because it concerns everyone. And the VNS is the platform where everyone can be heard.

The West is trying to teach us democracy. And in which of the so-called “democratic” countries do public associations have the opportunity to participate in government decision-making? The authorities may listen to them, or maybe not. Thanks to the All-Belarusian People's Assembly, we have the opportunity to directly influence the development of our country. After all, the decisions of the Supreme Council will become mandatory. And first of all, because they will be accepted through the representation of delegates from all branches of government, from local councils of deputies and public organizations.

The Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus will take an active part in the formation of the All-Belarusian People's Assembly, nominating worthy delegates from among its activists.

The special status of the Supreme National Assembly is an important part of the political reform, which is aimed at strengthening statehood and involving representatives of labor collectives and the public in the formation of domestic and foreign policy, the future of our country.”

Material taken from the website 1PROF.BY, original link
