

Today, at the headquarters of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus, the results of the participation of national observers in the republican referendum on amendments and additions to the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus were summed up.

As noted by the Chairman of the FPB, Mikhail Orda, the voting was carried out in accordance with the current legislation, without any incidents: transparently, openly and with a positive attitude of citizens. National observers (about 43 thousand people) did not identify any fundamental violations that could affect the course and results of the voting. Let us recall that on January 29, 2022, at the V plenum of the FPB, the national trade union center united the country’s largest public organizations in supporting the referendum with the initiative “We are together - For Belarus!” The results of the national vote are reflected in a joint statement.


We, the leading public organizations of the country - the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus, the Belarusian Republican Youth Union, Belaya Rus, the Belarusian Women's Union, the Belarusian Public Association of Veterans, Patriots of Belarus - announced on January 29, 2022 the initiative “We are together - For Belarus” in support of the Republican referendum on introducing amendments and additions to the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus.

We have come together to present a united front and ensure that the referendum is observed fairly.

In real time, we received

detailed, reliable information about voting at each precinct from more than 43 thousand national observers.

Based on objective data, we conclude that all conditions for free and independent expression of will were created for the citizens of Belarus.

We note the clear and well-coordinated work of the referendum commissions at all levels, which promptly resolved issues that arose locally during the referendum.

We thank Belarusians for showing great civic responsibility, expressed in the high level of turnout for the referendum.

Based on the above, WE DECLARE THAT:

The Republican referendum on amendments and additions to the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus was held in accordance with the law, openly and publicly;

citizens of Belarus made a conscious choice in favor of preserving and strengthening our traditions and values, they said “Yes!” a new historical stage in the development of the state!

This is our country! Our Constitution! Our future!

February 28, 2022 Minsk