“There are great prospects behind young staff”


On August 6, 2021, a joint meeting of the trade union committee and administration with young specialists and intern doctors who arrived for internship in 2021-2022 took place at the 1st City Clinical Hospital.

16 young specialists with secondary and higher medical education and 9 young interns joined the large and friendly team of our institution. Acquaintance with the youth began with an official meeting with representatives of the administration, the chairman of the trade union committee and the heads of the internship. Our team was replenished with five midwives, 4 paramedics-laboratory assistants and 2 nurses, 2 anesthesiologists-resuscitators, 3 obstetricians-gynecologists.

Today a new period begins for them - independent work in the hospital, and how well trained specialists they will be able to begin their activities largely depends on them. Chief physician D.E. Shevtsov spoke about this today, addressing young people. He noted that independent work is essentially the beginning of a career as a medical worker, this is the time when you can align expectations with reality, feel and understand your inclinations in the profession, feel at work, in a team, in closeness with patients and their troubles and problems. It's no secret that choosing a specialty is a responsible and difficult step for each of us at the beginning of our life's journey. Sometimes not only the health, but also the life of the patient depends on the cohesive work of the doctor and nurse.

The meeting was interesting, in a light, friendly atmosphere. The administration of the clinic made informational announcements and clarified organizational issues, and also wished the children to begin their new duties at the clinic without disappointment, with benefit and interest.

Chairman of the primary trade union organization Ivashkevich E.S. familiarized young employees with the main provisions of the Collective Agreement, offered to actively participate in the social life of the team, observe labor discipline, ethics and deontology, and also spoke about conducting a survey in order to study in more detail the problems and wishes of young people.

After answering the questions, young specialists and interns gladly took part in the survey, which is traditionally conducted annually by the trade union committee. We got acquainted with the events held by the Youth Council together with the trade union committee and the administration of the clinic.

Having arrived at their first jobs, in new teams, it is, of course, difficult for young specialists and intern doctors to get comfortable and immediately integrate into such a difficult diagnostic and treatment process. But, thanks to the friendly staff of the clinic, responsive colleagues and the hospital administration and trade union committee that are always willing to meet and help, they feel the support and significance of their work and their decisions.

There is a lot of fruitful work ahead and everyone’s favorite holiday, “Initiation into the Profession.” We are sure: young people have great prospects!
