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- World No Smoking Day. Prevention of cancer
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- World No Smoking Day. Prevention of cancer
World No Smoking Day. Prevention of cancer
November 21

Every year, at the initiative of the International Union Against Cancer, No Smoking Day is celebrated on the third Thursday of November. The Republican anti-tobacco information and educational campaign, initiated by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, dedicated to this day, will be held in our country from November 13 to 17, 2019.
The purpose of the action is to prevent diseases causally related to smoking, increase the level of public awareness regarding the harmful consequences of tobacco consumption, leading to addiction and a number of serious diseases, and generate civil society support for measures aimed at protecting the population from the consequences of tobacco consumption and exposure to tobacco smoke
As part of the campaign, it is planned to hold press conferences and round tables, appearances in the media on issues of tobacco smoking prevention with the involvement of representatives of health care organizations, educational institutions, culture, sports and tourism, law enforcement agencies, and public organizations; days of open information, consulting the population in healthcare institutions of the republic on issues of tobacco smoking prevention. Broadcast of social advertising on tobacco smoking prevention was organized on radio and TV channels.
The Ministry of Health initiated the implementation of cultural, informational, educational, physical and recreational activities to prevent tobacco use and the use of electronic smoking systems in institutions of general secondary, secondary specialized and higher education.
The information portal “Healthy People” and the newspaper “Medical Bulletin” are hosting a republican photo competition “Breathe Freely!” regarding the organization of a smoke-free space.
It is also recommended that heads of organizations and institutions of all forms of ownership hold an information day on smoking prevention in the teams of organizations and enterprises, declare the territories of their organizations and institutions as smoking-free zones; provide measures for moral and material incentives for employees who quit smoking and lead a healthy lifestyle.
Tobacco use is one of the most significant health threats ever to emerge in the world. In Belarus, according to the results of a study of behavioral and biological risk factors for non-infectious pathologies among the population aged 18 to 69 years (STEPS studies), 29.6% of the population smokes. And although, thanks to anti-tobacco measures carried out in our country, the number of tobacco users is decreasing (by 12% since 2001), the problem still remains relevant.
The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus carries out constant targeted work to prevent the consumption of tobacco products and diseases causally related to smoking. These include legislative initiatives, information and educational work with the population, and assistance in quitting smoking.