Health schools

In order to increase public awareness of disease prevention measures, increase public interest in creating motivation for a healthy lifestyle, teaching general skills of self-monitoring of health conditions, providing first aid in case of exacerbation of diseases, 5 “Health Schools” for patients were organized in the hospital departments, undergoing hospital treatment.

Responsible for organizing the work of “Health Schools” on the basis of departments are:

School of Arterial Hypertension - cardiologist Daria Mikhailovna Ivankova

School for young mothers - obstetrician-gynecologist (head of consultation) Shkarupa Alexandra Sergeevna

School of Osteoporosis  - rheumatologist (head of department)  Skrypnik Elena Yurievna

School of Diabetes Mellitus  – endocrinologist  Olga Igorevna Sukhodolova

School of the third age  - cardiologist  Semak Margarita Aleksandrovna
