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Single information day
The material was prepared by the Academy of Management under the President of the Republic of Belarus based on information from republican government bodies, the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, materials from the BelTA agency and the newspaper SB. Belarus today"
In all technologically advanced countries of the world, much attention is paid to the problems of improving the quality of products. This applies to consumer goods, means of production, agricultural products, building structures, and in general to all products of human labor and effective labor as such.
International standards interpret quality as the ability of product characteristics (system, process) to satisfy the requirements of consumers and other interested parties. At the same time, in many countries the concept of “quality” has different meanings.
For reference:
For example, in Germany it is “conformity to characteristics”, in France – “satisfaction”, “luxury”, in Italy – “style”, in Japan – “improvement”, “impeccability”.
In Belarus, since the mid-1990s, achieving quality in all spheres of the country’s life was initially identified as the most important task of state policy. In the Belarusian model of a socially oriented market economy, quality is considered, first of all, from the perspective of people’s quality of life.
Moreover, each of us is not only a consumer, but also a creator of quality. The competitiveness of Belarusian goods and services, and therefore the level of well-being of the country as a whole and of each citizen, depends on how high-quality the attitude to work is, to what and how a person does at his workplace.
In order to further improve the quality of life of the Belarusian people, ensure the competitiveness of the national economy on the world stage, stimulate initiative, create in society responsibility for the results of their work and a sense of belonging to the future of the country, the Head of State on November 27, 2023 signed Decree No. 375 “On the announcement of 2024 A year of quality."
On January 5, 2024, during a meeting on the main directions of work to improve quality in 2024 and the Quality Mark of the Republic of Belarus, the President of our country emphasized: “We must surpass ourselves... We have come to a situation where we need to rise one step higher, or maybe and two. Firstly, we are being pressed from all sides, it won’t get any easier, this is objective. And secondly, you can’t stop. If we stop, decay will begin, as has often happened in the history of our state (and not only ours) . ”
Labor quality is the key to Belarus’ competitiveness
Quality is the most important priority in the policy of our country. Achieving high quality Belarusian products and services provided in our country is a determining factor in the successful promotion of domestic goods in foreign markets, which means strengthening the national economy.
The main criterion for the high quality of domestic products is the constantly growing export of Belarusian goods and services and the recognition of our national brand “Made in Belarus,” which is represented in 160 countries around the world.
According to statistics, over the 11 months of 2023, Belarusian exports reached $36 billion and exceeded the figure for the same period in 2022 by almost 6%. The geography of supplies is also growing.
The recognition of Belarus is evidenced not only by the growth of exports, but also by the number of people visiting the country. Last year, 1.6 million people from 173 countries visited Belarus (this is only organized visits) .
Not only the sights of our country are in demand among foreigners: they come to us for treatment (in 2023, 123 thousand citizens from 149 countries received medical services) and to study (25 thousand students from more than 100 countries are receiving education in Belarus) .
“In Belarusian” already means high quality. The competitive advantage of our products has been and remains the “price-quality” ratio.
Improving the quality of manufactured products involves the introduction of modern production technologies, forms of quality control and labor organization, rationalization initiatives, as well as high motivation of employees and maintaining a favorable atmosphere within the team. There is work for everyone here: managers and scientists, production workers and social activists.
It is necessary to clearly explain to each employee the new rules, according to which it will be economically unprofitable for him to work poorly. The quality of work and strict adherence to technological discipline are conditions for increasing human well-being.
As the Head of our state rightly noted at the meeting on January 5, 2024, “there should be no formalism and sloppiness... Start with yourself. Come to work on time and start working efficiently . ”
Key directions for improving the quality of production and quality of life:
- increasing the competitiveness of the industrial complex (production of high-demand, high-quality, including export-oriented and import-substituting products; increasing the level of service (after-sales service) by Belarusian manufacturers) ;
- careful and thoughtful attitude to resources (further modernization and technical re-equipment of production with the introduction of modern resource- and energy-saving technologies, equipment and materials; the use of modern materials and technologies in the design and construction of multi-apartment residential buildings) ;
- sustainable energy and energy efficiency (modernization of the electrical power infrastructure through the reconstruction and construction of power transmission lines of various voltage classes in an amount of at least 2,700 km; expanding the possibilities for the population to use electrical energy for heating and hot water supply) ;
- accelerated development of the service sector (improving the quality of consumer services for the population in rural areas; improving the functionality of the portal for rating assessments of organizations providing services that ensure the livelihoods of the population) ;
- creating comfortable conditions for investing and doing business (promoting the growth of cooperation chains created by industrial leaders with small and medium-sized businesses; improving electronic interaction with payers in order to provide comfortable conditions for the voluntary fulfillment of tax obligations) ;
- strengthening the demographic potential and health of the nation (promoting a healthy lifestyle for high-quality longevity and preserving the health of the nation; conducting medical examinations of the population) ;
- improving the quality and accessibility of education.
It is important to remember that current economic challenges are not only limitations, but also new opportunities to increase the competitiveness of our products. Despite the ongoing attempts of supporters of the dollar model of the world economy to maintain their dominance, the reformatting of the world cannot be stopped. We see its new contours and our country’s place in it. Our passport into this new world is our economic achievements, which we are ready to share with everyone who sees Belarus as a partner. In this regard, the demand for Belarus in the world is colossal. Domestic technologies, production, and services make it possible to ensure the country’s sovereignty today and are the key to a successful future. On one condition - if we work tirelessly on quality, as has always been the case for Belarusians.
Ensuring quality indicators by stimulating initiative and strengthening social optimism in society
Quality is an indicator not only of economic benefit and feasibility, but also of social health and well-being. This implies the need for increased attention to the following items:
developing a sense of personal responsibility for the results of work. Everyone must understand the simple truth - conscientious fulfillment of one’s duties is a key condition for achieving overall success;
increasing work motivation. Here it is appropriate to use the Soviet heritage and experience (competitions, innovation, mentoring, measures of moral and material incentives, etc.) ;
maintaining a healthy and favorable moral and psychological climate in the work team, without which it is impossible to form involvement in the results of common work.
Republican competitions in the field of quality and business excellence help stimulate organizations to improve the quality and competitiveness of products, works and services, and introduce modern methods of quality management.
Control over the quality of manufactured products or work performed is not only the task of technologists, it should become an important task for the primary organizations of the FPB, BRSM, Belaya Rus, and public control over quality assurance should be one of the areas of their activity.
Ideally, every citizen should realize that the well-being of the country, on which personal satisfaction with the quality of life depends, is primarily ensured by the efficiency of his work.
In turn, working people deserve that society sees them as its heroes, and that hard work and professionalism become a measure of social success and public recognition.
Quality mark: tradition of the past and present
Hardworking Belarusians are mentally close to both the Year of Quality and the “Quality Mark”. A draft Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus “On the State Quality Mark” is being prepared. The assignment of this mark will mean the highest degree of both evaluation and recognition of the company’s products, and responsibility for the trust placed in it.

The state quality mark is a red pentagon with slightly convex sides.
In the center of the State Quality Mark on a white field is a stylized image of an inverted letter “K” made of two arrow-shaped elements in red. At the top of the State Quality Mark there is the inscription “BELARUS” in red.
The five corners of the State Quality Mark symbolize the quality of Belarusian products, achieved by a combination of five production indicators: safety, environmental friendliness, innovation, manufacturability and aesthetics.
The lower arrow-shaped element means the stability of the quality system, the upper one, like symbolic scales, means the optimal ratio of public opinion about the product and production achievements.
In his New Year’s address to the Belarusian people, the President of the Republic of Belarus said: “Quality has long become a lifestyle of Belarusians, a national trait, and now it will become a symbol of all endeavors. The good tradition of assigning a badge of honor to the best producers of goods and services will return to our lives. Its first owners will go down in the history of independent Belarus . "
In this matter, Belarus will be based on the traditions of the Soviet period. “This historical period gave rise to our national development. Now you understand why I “cling” to that Soviet time: if it weren’t for that Soviet time, there wouldn’t be the most modern and new designs. It’s easier to ruin everything, but on what basis would we create new, progressive models? This base would not exist. Smart people preserve and develop everything that has been accumulated by previous generations. We did it ,” the Belarusian leader said at a meeting on January 5, 2024.
For reference:
The USSR State Quality Mark came into effect on April 20, 1967 in order to stimulate improvements in the quality and efficiency of social production. It was developed by the All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Standardization.
“Quality Mark” in the BSSR
The first BelAZ product to receive the State Quality Mark in the republic was the BELAZ 540 mining dump truck.
If in 1967–1970 it was assigned to 54 products, then already in 1973 - 614. At the beginning of 1978 in the BSSR, 2.8 thousand products had the State Quality Mark, of which 1.9 thousand were consumer goods. The share of products with the State Quality Mark in its total output was: planing machines - 93.7%, broaching machines - 78.9%, measuring instruments - 48.3%, trucks - 94.2%, tractors - 98%, motorcycles – 86.2%, household refrigerators – 92%, broadcast televisions – 53.3%, broadcast radios – 39.9%.
Among the certified products are cars of the MAZ and BelAZ families, metal-cutting machines, tractors, measuring instruments, televisions, refrigerators, furniture sets, wristwatches, fabrics, clothing and knitwear, food and other products of Belarusian enterprises.
Officially, the use of the State Quality Mark ceased with the collapse of the USSR, but some manufacturers continued to apply it to their products until 1994.
The products of such well-known companies in our country and abroad as MTZ OJSC (Belarus tractor) , BELAZ OJSC - the management company of the BELAZ-HOLDING holding (BELAZ 7513 mining dump truck) , OJSC “MAZ” is the management company of the holding company “BELAVTOMAZ” (dump truck MAZ-65262L) ; OJSC INTEGRAL is the management company of the INTEGRAL holding (line of avalanche photodiodes) , KUP Molochny Gostinets (an assortment of dairy products), etc.
At the same time, at a meeting on January 5, 2024, the Head of State said: “BELAZ, MTZ, MAZ and so on cannot fail to have a quality mark for some of their goods. But this product must be unique, it must be competitive in international markets . ”
The best products will receive the new mark. However, this does not mean that other products and services will become worse or be of poor quality. On the contrary, it is an incentive and motivation to reach a higher level in assessment, find the most effective solutions and techniques in work, and get the best result.
We are talking about moving upward - creating a new mechanism for even stronger competition and motivation.
And the determining factors here should be non-material incentive measures, as was the case during the Soviet era.
On the one hand, the manufacturer is proud of the quality of his work and the resulting social status. On the other hand, recognition of products and services and a multiple increase in their demand due to guaranteed compliance with standards, confirmed by the state.
Improving the quality of life is everyone’s business
It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of standard of living and quality of life. If in the first case we are talking about a specific, calculated economic indicator that reflects the level of provision with material goods, then the second implies the degree of satisfaction of a wide range of human needs - material, spiritual, social, covering the physical and psychological health of a person.
It is extremely important to change people's perception of quality. It cannot be measured solely by numbers. There are areas in which only the person himself can improve the quality score. This is the so-called “territory of personal responsibility”: self-education, personal health, sports, leisure culture, family relationships, landscaping, etc.
In Belarus, conditions have been created for further improving the level and quality of life of the population: a high level of security is maintained, new jobs are created, sustainable growth in real wages is ensured, equal access to medical care and education is ensured, cultural values are preserved and enhanced, a high level of social protection is maintained, conditions have been created for participation in public life.
For reference:
According to Belstat, real disposable cash income of the population (cash income minus taxes, fees and contributions, adjusted to the consumer price index for goods and services) in January–October 2023 amounted to 106.1% of the level in January–October 2022.\
However, well-being should be a matter of joint concern of the individual and the state. Personal responsibility of citizens - self-education, health, leisure, family well-being, etc.
“We see an increasing demand for the values of the social state... A return to these values is a matter of people’s quality of life: the spiritual sphere, economic well-being, social justice. Everything here is interconnected ,” said Alexander Lukashenko at a meeting dedicated to the implementation of the Year of Quality.
A quality approach also means self-respect. Living and working according to the principles of quality means being in constant personal improvement:
- continuously develop and gain knowledge. To implement the principle of “lifelong education” in practice, the state provided citizens with all opportunities;
- monitor your health (timely medical examination, healthy eating, etc.) . In healthcare, a number of measures have been implemented to improve the quality and accessibility of medical care to the population. Good health is one of the main indicators of human well-being;
- In a person’s life, cultural leisure is important. For this purpose, all conditions have been created in our country (theatres, concert organizations, museums, libraries operate; festivals, holidays, etc.) are held ;
- maintain good physical shape (areas for sports, race walking, bicycle paths are equipped, republican and regional sports events, tourism, etc. are held) ;
- live in family harmony and peace with the people around you.
The goal of the Year of Quality is also to involve the population in sports, a healthy lifestyle, improve the culture of pastime, and strengthen family relationships. Therefore, priority attention must be paid to the formation of personal responsibility among citizens for improving the quality of life.
“People need to see that this is the Year of Quality. And our most stringent demand for the quality of life of people, for ourselves, a set of measures - it must be clear that the Year of Quality is underway in the country and when it ends, this is its result ,” the Head of State said at a meeting on January 5, 2024.
Belarus does not have significant natural resources. Therefore, the well-being of the inhabitants of our sovereign country will not come on its own. We can provide it only with our work, intelligence and perseverance. Success depends on how efficiently, creatively and effectively each of us works.
The President of the Republic of Belarus A.G. Lukashenko on September 12, 2023, during the presentation of state awards to honored people of the country, especially emphasized: “Working in a variety of areas, setting ourselves a variety of goals, we achieve high results, which ultimately become a common success, the success of our entire country. And the more personal achievements, the stronger our Belarus . ”
A set of economic, ideological, cultural and other events planned for the Year of Quality is aimed at achieving an ambitious goal: to bring quality control of goods and services produced, and the country’s quality of life to a higher level. And this goal will be achieved if every Belarusian determines for himself his own personal plan to improve the quality of his work, his life and diligently follows it.
We have maintained quality standards, increased them, and now we are in the improvement phase. You cannot be satisfied with what you have achieved!