Emergency psychological assistance


Emergency psychological assistance


List of telephone numbers of the emergency psychological assistance service by telephone “Helpline” and psychotherapeutic offices based in clinics in Minsk

Emergency, free, 24-hour psychological assistance for residents of Minsk is available by phone:

  •  for adults—352-44-44; 304-43-70
  • for minors - 263-03-03; 8-801-100-16-11
  • for victims of domestic violence - 317-32-32; 8-801-100-8-801
Item no.Name of the clinicPhone number
1Urban Borderline Center351-61-74
23rd central district clinical clinic of Oktyabrsky district of Minsk395-73-48
34th city clinic369-64-45
45th city clinical clinic376-19-65
58th city clinic268-13-10
611th city clinic328-34-13
712th city clinic396-79-47
817th city clinical clinic297-49-39
919th central district clinic of Pervomaisky district of Minsk268-86-90
1026th city clinic380-32-40
1128th city clinic286-44-12
1232nd city clinical clinic277-04-90
1333rd city student clinic331-29-19
1434th central district clinical clinic of the Soviet district of Minsk237-31-39
1535th city clinical clinic324-96-33
1636th city clinic344-38-09
1737th city clinic298-79-90
1839th city clinical clinic374-39-84
1940th city clinical clinic317-98-70
20Website of the health care institution "City Clinical Psychiatric Dispensary"www.mgkpd.by