Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent diseases


Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent diseases

Vaccination is a safe and rational way to induce an immune response in the body without having to infect it with a disease. Vaccines significantly reduce the risk of disease by activating natural defense mechanisms to build immunity to the infectious agent.

Immune system:

  • Recognizes the causative agent of the disease (virus or bacteria); 
  • Produces antibodies to fight infection; 
  • Remembers the pathogen to fight it in the future. If this pathogen enters the body again, the immune system will quickly react and destroy it, preventing the development of the disease.

Our immune system has a memory. By receiving one or more doses of a vaccine, we gain protection against a particular disease for a long time. This is what makes vaccines so effective.

Vaccines are the most effective method of preventing infections, because it is much better to prevent a disease than to treat it and deal with the consequences.

Link to video:

"Why and for what are vaccinations needed?"