What is HIV/AIDS?


HIV infection is a slowly progressive infectious disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus, characterized by damage to the immune and nervous systems, followed by the development of opportunistic (concomitant) infections and neoplasms against this background, leading to death in an HIV-infected person.

AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is the terminal stage of HIV infection, characterized by clinical manifestations (a set of certain symptoms and diseases caused by significant disorders of the immune system).

Source of infection.

The only source of infection is an HIV-infected person at all stages of the disease.

Routes of transmission of HIV/AIDS.

There are three main routes of transmission:

  • parenteral route (through blood) - infection occurs through injection of infected drugs, use of unsterile needles and syringes, transfusion of contaminated blood, through non-disinfected instruments for hygiene procedures;
  • sexual route - infection occurs through sexual contact with an HIV-infected person;
  • vertical, or intrauterine route - the virus is transmitted from an infected mother to a child during pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding.

A high concentration of the virus that can infect a healthy body is contained in the blood, semen, and vaginal secretions . It is found in urine, saliva, and tears in low concentrations and is not dangerous in small volumes.

HIV is not transmitted:

  • with friendly kisses;
  • when shaking hands;
  • when coughing, sneezing;
  • through dishes, clothes, linen;
  • when visiting the pool, sauna, toilet;
  • for insect bites.

Treatment of the disease.

Over the past years, despite the efforts of various specialists around the world, huge amounts of money spent on research and treatment of the “plague” of the 20th century, no means have yet been found for carrying out preventive vaccinations and for radically curing infected patients.

The medicines available to doctors can only temporarily stabilize the condition of an HIV/AIDS patient, alleviate his suffering and prolong his life.


There are currently no specific means of preventing HIV infection in the world. Therefore, protection against HIV/AIDS in overwhelming cases depends on the behavior and lifestyle of the person himself.

Algorithm for safe behavior.

  • Use only personal hygiene items (toothbrushes, razors, blades and manicure accessories, etc.).
  • Require the use of sterile instruments when servicing in various institutions and organizations. Cosmetic procedures (tattoos, piercings, manicures, pedicures) should only be carried out in special institutions licensed to carry them out.
  • For casual sexual intercourse, use a condom. Avoid sex with people who use drugs.
  • Accustom yourself and your partner to systematically and correctly use a condom; this will help reduce the likelihood of contracting AIDS, protect against sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancy.
  • Do not inject drugs.

Where can I get an HIV test?

You can be tested for HIV infection, including voluntarily and anonymously, at any health care institution in Minsk. Before and after the test, you will receive advice from a specialist who will explain the test result and answer any questions you may have.

HIV is very dangerous, but it can be avoided!!!

Information material prepared by: epidemiologist Vasechko E.A.