Rules of conduct in hot weather

Summer is at its apogee, the stuffiness embraces us from early morning. The sun is especially merciless to residents of big cities: it’s hot! asphalt, cars, stuffy office...

Hot weather is dangerous - even healthy people feel worse: the pulse quickens, there is a feeling of lack of air, shortness of breath, heaviness in the chest.

Those most at risk are the elderly, children, and those with chronic illnesses.

Heat strokes occur mainly under conditions of general high temperature: in a stuffy room, in vehicles, etc. Sunstroke occurs when exposed to direct rays of the sun. a person, mostly in the head area.

We advise you to adhere to the following recommendations for hot times:

  1. Drink more fluid - this is 2-2.5 liters per day for an adult. The best drinks are still mineral water, kvass, water with lemon juice, green or black tea with lemon. You should pay attention to ensure that the water is not cold, since in the heat the risk of getting a sore throat and acute respiratory infections increases. Eat fruits in unlimited quantities; they are the main supplier of mineral salts and vitamins. In hot weather, exclude fatty, fried and sweet foods from your diet. The menu should include light food - boiled or stewed fish, chicken, cold soups and okroshka.
  2. Don't drink alcohol, limit smoking or give up cigarettes altogether.
  3. Avoid direct sunlight. It's better to be in the shade. If possible, limit your time outside from 12:00 to 17:00.
  4. If you use air conditioning for cooling, remember that the air temperature should not be lower than 23-25 ​​degrees. It is better to stay away from this household appliance: even a weak cool breeze can cause a runny nose and colds. No air conditioning? Wet sheets hung on open windows will save you.
  5. To protect yourself from the heat, wear a hat, especially for people over 55 years of age. Walk with an umbrella, there is no need to be shy about it.
  6. Clothing should be loose (for air exchange), light colors and made from natural materials. Choose open and comfortable shoes.
  7. There is no need to increase physical activity, it’s already hard for the body. Heat is already a load on the heart and blood vessels. It has been proven that mental activity in the heat has an adverse effect on the nervous system. The body's performance decreases, thus the body protects itself from overload, and it needs to be helped with this.
  8. Spend less time driving. Due to the heat, the driver’s ability to concentrate is significantly reduced, some reactions are impaired and, as a result, the number of accidents increases.
  9. People suffering from chronic diseases must continue to take medications recommended by their doctor, and, if necessary, adjust the dose of the drug; this is especially important for patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system, cancer, respiratory diseases, and diabetes. You must have all medications prescribed by your doctor with you.
  10. Special attention in the heat - children! The child's body is especially sensitive to elevated ambient temperatures. Symptoms of a child overheating are redness of the skin, fever, lethargy, nausea, causeless whims, rapid breathing with shortness of breath, convulsions and even fainting. At the first manifestation of these symptoms, it is necessary to remove the child’s clothes, lay him in a horizontal position, wipe the entire body with a damp cloth or cloth soaked in water, and be sure to give him something to drink every 5-10 minutes. If you lose consciousness, call an ambulance immediately. Infants should not be in the sun.
  11. Try to get enough sleep, set aside at least 8 hours for sleep. Provide yourself with comfortable conditions in the bedroom: open the windows at night, install a mosquito net.
  12. A shower at room temperature helps prevent stuffiness; take it as many times a day as you want. Moisturizing exposed areas of the body has a refreshing effect, gives coolness, and prevents dry skin. Whenever possible, wipe your entire hands with a damp cloth, right down to your armpits.
  13. When in the open sun (sunbathing, just walking around the city), you need to think about protecting your skin. Since oblique rays of the sun are less harmful than direct rays, it is preferable to sunbathe before 11.00 and after 16.00. Depending on your skin type, you should choose a protective sun cream for your face and body. The lighter-skinned a person is, the more skin protection he needs. People with skin diseases need to be especially vigilant and careful (since their ailments can worsen under the influence of sunlight).

By following these simple recommendations, even in conditions of abnormal heat, you can preserve your health and the health of your children and fully enjoy the long-awaited and so short summer!

Information material was prepared by: instructor-valeologist of the 1st City Clinical Hospital Zhuravel L.V.