
This decision was made today at a meeting of the National Council for Labor Disputes and Social Issues, which was held with the participation of representatives of the government of the Republic of Belarus, the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus and the republican association of employers.

Let us recall that the minimum wage (MW) is the state minimum social standard in the field of remuneration. Employers are required to apply the minimum wage as the lowest limit for workers' compensation.

On November 15, the procedure for establishing the minimum wage has changed. Previously, this standard was approved by the government of Belarus and was tied to the minimum consumer budget. Now there is a different approach: the size of the minimum wage must be at least 30% of the forecast value of the nominal accrued wages in the republic, determined in the forecast of the country’s socio-economic development.

At the same time, the size of the minimum wage is established by the Council of Ministers of Belarus at the proposal of the National Council on Labor and Social Issues. According to the Minister of Labor and Social Protection Irina Kostevich, this will make it possible to determine the size of the minimum wage within the framework of tripartite negotiations and take into account the policies of all interested parties.

It should be noted that a similar approach is used in many countries. For example, the legislation of Montenegro enshrines the same principle for determining the size of the minimum wage.

As the Minister of Labor and Social Protection informed members of the National Council, the monthly minimum wage, the amount of which is proposed to be set at 457 rubles from January 1, 2022, will be 30.05% of the forecast value of the nominal accrued average monthly wage for the republic, determined in the social forecast -economic development of the country taking into account risks for 2022. Thus, the growth rate of the minimum wage for January 2022 compared to January 2021 will be 114.3%.

In foreign currency terms, the proposed minimum fee is comparable to established standards in neighboring countries. For example, in Russia it is about 175 dollars, in Moldova – 170, in Kazakhstan – only about 100 dollars.

According to Irina Kostevich, increasing the monthly minimum wage will increase the level of social protection for employees of organizations of all forms of ownership and workers employed by individual entrepreneurs.


Text material taken from the website of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus 1PROF.BY