World No Smoking Day 2023


The Republican information and educational campaign on the prevention of tobacco smoking as a risk factor for the development of cancer is taking place in our countryfrom 13 to 19 November 2023

Every year, at the initiative of the International Union Against Cancer, No Smoking Day is celebrated on the third Thursday of November (November 16, 2023). The Republican anti-tobacco information and educational campaign dedicated to this day is taking place in our country from November 13 to November 19, 2023.

The purpose of the campaign is to increase public awareness of the harmful health consequences of tobacco consumption and exposure to tobacco smoke, and to generate civil society support for measures aimed at combating tobacco consumption.

Smoking is one of the most destructive human habits, which in most cases turns into a disease, that is, into a chemical dependence of the body on a psychoactive substance, the name of which is nicotine. According to statistics, more than 2 million residents of our country smoke and do not even think about how quietly cigarettes steal years of life, relax them in the desire to work on themselves and be better. Stressful situations are a trigger, which forces you to use tobacco over and over again. Breaking a habit is a daunting task for some.

Tobacco addiction (like drug addiction) is a complex combination of biochemical effects on the body, learned behavior, genetic and social factors.

A connection has long been established between the occurrence of a number of tumors and tobacco smoking. The incidence of lung cancer is more than 20 times higher among men who smoke and 12 times higher among women who smoke compared to never smokers. It has been established that smoking is responsible for the occurrence of lung cancer in 87% of cases; a higher incidence of cancer of the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx, esophagus, cervix, kidney, and bladder is associated with the same factor.

A person who smokes should not be deluded into thinking that with his bad habit he is only harming his health!

The air around a smoker contains more than 40 substances that are known or suspected to be involved in cancer in humans and animals. Children of smoking parents are especially affected. They are much more susceptible to various respiratory tract infections than children whose parents do not smoke, and there are reports of an increased risk of lymphoma in such children.

Remember - there is no safe cigarette and no safe level of smoking. The single most effective way to reduce health risks remains to quit smoking.

Quitting smoking at any age is justified because: after 8 hours, the level of oxygen in the blood returns to normal; after 48 hours a person gains the sense of smell and taste; after 1 month it becomes easier to breathe, fatigue and headache disappear; after 6 months, bronchitis disappears, heart rhythm is restored; After 1 year, the chance of dying from coronary heart disease is halved.

There is a whole range of special therapies for smokers addicted to nicotine. For those who already smoke, a whole system of measures has been developed to give up this bad habit. However, it must be emphasized that success in the fight against smoking will be guaranteed only if smokers themselves come to a conscious desire to quit smoking.

Smoking is POISON! Make the right choice - move to the World Beyond Dependency!