How to protect yourself from cervical cancer?

Is it possible to protect yourself from cervical cancer? This question interests many. Experts are confident that it is possible to prevent the development of cervical cancer and diseases that precede its development.

A little history: the famous German scientist Harald zur Hausen was awarded the Nobel Prize: “For the discovery of the human papillomavirus as a cause of cervical cancer.”

Cervical cancer is the second most common malignant disease in women: more than 500 thousand cases are registered annually in the world.

According to World Health Organization (WHO) forecasts, the number of deaths from cervical cancer will increase from 320 thousand cases in 2015. up to 600 thousand in 2030

Every year in the Republic of Belarus, up to 1000 women become ill with cervical cancer, and 300-350 patients die annually.

In the course of mass studies, HPV (human papillomavirus) was found in 50-80% of young women, but in most cases the virus disappears spontaneously.

The peak of infection occurs at the age of 18-25 years and decreases after 30 years. In only 5-15% it can remain and cause changes that lead to cervical cancer. The age at which cervical cancer is most often diagnosed is from 40 to 59 years.

HPV can stay in the body for a very long time without causing any visible changes (the latent period ranges from 1 to 6 months, on average 3 months).

Social status and living conditions are of great importance in the development of cervical cancer against the background of HPV: frequent change of sexual partners, early onset of sexual activity, trauma to the cervix during abortion and childbirth.

The main route of transmission of HPV is sexual.

The combination of HPV with other infections is very unfavorable: herpes simplex virus (HSV type 2), cytomegalovirus (CMV), Epstein-Barr virus, chlamydia, mycoplasma, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Smoking increases the risk of developing cervical cancer by 2 times.

There are more than 130 types of HPV. They can infect cells of the skin, oral mucosa, eyes, larynx, esophagus, bronchi, rectum and genitals.

Based on the ability of HPV to cause cancer, they are usually divided into types:

  • low oncogenic risk 6, 11, 36, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 50;
  • high oncogenic risk 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 66, 68, 73.

Of these, the most dangerous are HPV-16 (50%) and HPV-18 (10%), all remaining highly oncogenic types account for up to 10% of cases.

Women with confirmed HPV infection should undergo regular examination by a gynecologist with colposcopy (examination of the cervix under high magnification using a special microscope). At the same time, smears are taken for oncocytology (microscopic examination to identify altered cells) from the cervix (once every 6 months) for timely comprehensive treatment of various pathologies of the cervix.

Today in Belarus you can undergo a modern and highly informative examination that allows you to identify cervical cancer and the conditions that precede it. This is a liquid-based cytology (PAP test).

This research method is recognized as the “gold standard” in the diagnosis of cervical diseases. It allows you to more accurately assess changes in cells in various pathologies (correct staining, long-term storage and possible revision of the analysis with HPV testing).

It is recommended to undergo such a study once every 3-5 years (if no pathology is identified).

A very long time passes from infection with the virus to the development of the oncological process - from 5 to 15 years. This occurs because HPV first causes precancerous changes (dysplasia). Then, in the absence of timely diagnosis and treatment, dysplasia can develop into cancer.

Dysplasia can be mild, moderate or severe.

A mild degree of dysplasia appears when increased virus activity occurs.

Then after 3-7 years it can become moderate.

And after 2-5 years a pronounced degree of dysplasia appears.

Of course, this all happens only if the woman does not visit a doctor for a long time, does not undergo proper examination and timely treatment.

From severe dysplasia there remains “one step” of 2-3 years to cervical cancer. This chain can always be interrupted and dysplasia can be cured in time!

For treatment today, the most modern and effective methods of treatment are used: laser, radio wave, argon plasma. But it is easier to treat mild and moderate dysplasia than more severe conditions.

That's why it's so important to protect yourself from this insidious virus.

Prevention is definitely better than long-term and expensive treatment, which does not always lead to the complete disappearance of the virus. Primary prevention is based on this – vaccination (vaccine) against cervical cancer.

In Belarus you can get vaccinated against HPV. Unfortunately, it is not included in the free vaccination calendar, so you can get vaccinated against HPV only if you wish and on a paid basis. But I think future health is priceless!

In our country we use the Gardasil vaccine against 4 types of HPV (6, 11, 16, 18) and the Cervarix vaccine against 2 types (16, 18).

It is best to get the vaccine before you become sexually active. It is recommended to do (for both boys and girls) between the ages of 9-13 and 25 years. At the age of 9 to 13 years, vaccination is carried out 2 times - the second dose after 6 months. And from the age of 14 you need 3 doses (the second after 1 month, the third - 6 months after the first).

The HPV vaccine is also indicated for adults (women and men), including those patients who have already been treated for HPV previously, since after treatment there is no immunity to the newly introduced virus, and after the vaccine the immunity is stable and protects a person from the disease for a long time.

Vaccination can be carried out in the following medical institutions in Minsk and the Minsk region: No. 1,2,4,5,10,11,12,15,16,23,25,29,32,37 city clinics; outpatient clinic No. 1; City Gynecological Hospital; Central District Hospital and Maternity Hospital of the Minsk Region; No. 9,11,12,13,17 children's clinics; Children's Infectious Diseases Hospital. It is also possible to administer the vaccine in commercial medical centers.


You can get vaccinated in the following health care institutions in Minsk:

11th city clinicst. Velikomorskaya, 36
23rd city clinicst. Plekhanova, 60/2
37rd city clinicst. Ya. Luchiny, 28
12th city children's clinicst. Permskaya, 50
12th city children's clinicst. Rafieva, 60
5th city clinical clinicst. Yesenina, 21a
15th city clinicst. R. Luxembourg, 112
32nd city clinical clinicst. Golubeva, 25
13th city children's clinical clinicst. Kizhevatova, 60d
29th city clinicst. Kazintsa, 94
City Gynecological Hospitalst. Sennitskaya, 53
"Ecomedservice" paid medical centerst. Tolstoy, 4
10th city clinicst. Sukharevskaya, 19
Outpatient clinic No. 1st. Academician Fedorova, 17
2nd central district clinicst. Yakubovsky, 33
12th city clinicst. Olesheva, 61
"Confidence" paid medical centerst. Pritytskogo, 39
Children's Infectious Diseases Hospitalst. Yakubovsky, 53
"LODE" paid medical centerst. Gikalo, 1
17th city children's clinicst. Koltsova, 53/1
"Nordin" paid medical centerst. Surganova, 47b
9th city children's clinicst. Dolgobrodskaya, 39/1
Maternity hospital of Minsk regionst. F.Skorina, 16
11th city children's clinicst. Nikiforova, 5
1st central district clinical clinicst. Sukhaya, 6
4th city clinicPobediteley Ave., 93
16th city clinicst. Shchedrina, 83
Central District HospitalBorovlyany, st. Frunzenskaya, 1

The availability of the vaccine in clinics and centers must be clarified in advance!

To avoid serious problems and reduce the likelihood of developing cervical cancer, you need to remember that:

  1. Most sexually transmitted infections may not have obvious external manifestations.
  2. When changing sexual partners, it is necessary to use barrier contraception (condoms).
  3. After each new sexual intercourse without a condom, it is advisable to conduct a full examination to exclude all STIs and HPV infection.
  4. If any symptoms of the disease appear, consult a doctor immediately. Do not self-medicate under any circumstances, which will only complicate correct and timely therapy.
  5. Some infections (STIs, HPV) can be contracted by girls at home due to gross violation of personal hygiene rules (sharing towels and detergents).

It is imperative to listen to the recommendations of doctors and undergo regular examinations with a gynecologist. It is important to promptly treat all changes that your tests show.

In such cases, cervical cancer can be prevented.

Obstetrician-gynecologist of the Institution “1st City Clinical Hospital” Degileva I.N.