Health of the unborn baby



A healthy, physically strong, smart baby is the cherished desire of any married couple. In our article we will talk about what to do to increase the chances of having a full-fledged and healthy child.

Even before pregnancy, spouses should undergo an extensive examination and, if necessary, undergo timely treatment. An important role is played by the rejection of bad habits and proper nutrition of future parents.

It is recommended to take folic acid and a complex of vitamins, which must include vitamin E, at least 3 months before conception and 3 months after. A lack of these substances can lead to malformations of the child’s brain and damage to the central nervous system. Folic acid itself is necessary for the proper formation and nutrition of the placenta.

In the first 3 months of pregnancy, try not to get sick (reduce the time spent in crowded places), and do not take any medications on your own. If you are taking medications on an ongoing basis, you should consult your doctor. Tell him that you are planning a pregnancy, or are already pregnant, so as not to harm the development of your baby. After all, it is at this time that all the organs and systems of the unborn child are being formed.

The first thing you need for a successful and happy pregnancy is a positive attitude and unshakable confidence that everything will be fine! During pregnancy, the expectant mother should not worry or worry. An excess of negative emotions leads to the fact that the child is exposed to stress hormones that reach him through the placenta along with the blood.

Nutrition . A balanced diet is extremely important for a pregnant woman. Therefore, a proper diet should include vegetables and fruits, grains and dairy products, meat and fish, and vegetable fats. Ideally, there should be 3 main meals and 2 snacks.

Sleep and rest. For the expectant mother, peace during sleep is a source of strength and energy, joy, and good mood; At the same time, efficiency is restored, peace comes, and daily worries and problems are forgotten. The duration of night sleep during pregnancy should be 9-10 hours. During the day it is recommended to sleep 1-1.5 hours. However, adjustments should be made for the individual characteristics of the body.

Physical activity. With a sedentary lifestyle, a pregnant woman may experience complications such as a tendency to arterial hypotension and weak labor. That is why women with no contraindications are recommended to be physically active. Physical exercises and walks activate placental blood flow, saturating the blood with oxygen, normalize the tone and activity of the fetus, improve metabolic processes and ensure the growth and development of the fetus. It is worth noting that there are special sets of exercises to strengthen and improve the elastic properties of the muscles involved in childbirth. Such exercises should be determined by your doctor, taking into account your health condition and stage of pregnancy. And don’t forget about walks in the fresh air: 30-60 minutes of brisk walking every day will give you a boost of energy and put you in a great mood!

Anastasia Zhukovskaya (OAiRnov.)